Title: Benign disease of the Breast
1Benign disease of the Breast
- Gershon Efron, MD FACS FRCS
- Sinai Hospital of Baltimore
2Anatomy of the Breast
- Breast
- Lobules
- Stroma
- Nipple
- Blood supply
- Lymphatics
- Axilla
3Physiology of the Breast
Normal fct.
- Pituitary
- Prolactin
- Oxytocin
- Placenta
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Pituitary
- Growth hormone
- LH / FSH
- Ovary
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
4Diagnosis of Breast lesions
- History
- Age
- Family history (Cancer)
- D iscoverD uratiionD ischarge
- L ump I njuryM enstruation (menarche,
menopause, contraceptives)P ain
5Examination of the Breast
- Inspection
- Symmetry
- Skin / nipple changes
- Bulges / retractions
- Palpation
- Breast
- Axilla
- Supraclavicular
6Examination of the BreastInspection
Peau dOrange
7Examination of the BreastInspection
Nipple retraction
8Examination of the BreastInspection
Pagets disease of the nipple
9Examination of the BreastPalpation (Lump)
- Site (left, right, quadrant)
- Size
- Shape
- Surface (smooth, irregular)
- Sensitivity (tender, non-tender)
- Spread (skin, nodes, muscle)
- Edge (well vs. ill defined)
- Consistency (soft, firm, fluctuant)
- Mobility (mobile, fixed)
- Relationships (to anatomical structures)
10Patient Workup
- FNA vs. Core Biopsy
- Cyst aspiration
- Ultrasound
- Mammography
11Pathology of benign Breast disease
- Congenital
- Traumatic
- Inflammatory
- Tumors
12CongenitalBreast disease
Acessory Breast(s)
Supernumerary Nipple
13TraumaticBreast disease
- Fat necrosis
- Hematoma
- Post Surgery
- D/D Carcinoma
14InflammatoryBreast disease
- Fibrocystic disease
- Very common
- ? Hormonal origin
- Young patients (
- Fibrous tissue, cysts, nodules
- Focal, general, uni/bilateral
- Round cell infiltration
- Pain (cyclical)
- Symptoms tend to improve /disappear with
15InflammatoryBreast disease
- Fibrocystic disease
- Treatment
- Cyst aspiration
- Analgesia
- Firm Bra support
- Vitamins (E, B6)
- Avoidance of caffeine
- Night time Primrose oil
- Danazole
- Bromocryptine
- Tamoxifen
- Contraceptives
- Reassurance
16InflammatoryBreast disease
- Cyst management
- Cyst aspiration
- Bloody fluid
- Residual lump (palpation or US)
- Recurrence 3
17InflammatoryBreast disease
- Mastitis Breast Abscess
- Cause nipple manipulation
- More common in lactation and older patients
- Signs of infection
- Staph (MRSA)
18InflammatoryBreast disease
- Mastitis Breast Abscess
- Treatment
- Antibiotics
- Aspiration orID of abscess(Biopsy the wall!)
- Milk pumpingwarm compresses
19InflammatoryBreast disease
- Mammary duct abscess
- Recurrent peri-areolar abscess formation
- ? Duct ectasia
- Fistulotomy
- Excision of the duct
20InflammatoryBreast disease
- Chronic breast infection
- Antibioma
- Tuberculosis
- Actinomycosis
- Treponema (Chancre)
- Need biopsy
- Special stains/Cx
- Tx specific to disease
21InflammatoryBreast disease
- Mastitis neonatorum
- Occurs within few weeks of birth
- Response to mothers hormone exposure (prolactin,
estrogen) - Resolves spontaneously
- Occasionally becomes infected
22Other inflammatorycauses of breast pain
- Mondors disease
- Thrombophlebitis lateral thoracic vein
- Tietzes disease
- Osteochondritis, usually 2nd 3rd chostochondral
junction - Treatment for both NSAID analgetics
23Pathology of benign Breast disease
- Tumors
- Cancer
- Nipple discharge
- Gynecomastia
24Tumorsof the breast
- Fibroadenoma
- Very common
- Young patients
- ? Hormone related
- P uberty
- P lural
- P eripheral
25Tumorsof the breast
- Fibroadenoma
- Treatment
- Observation
- Excision
- It is MALPRACTICE to operate on the (pre-)
pubescent breast
26Tumorsof the breast
- Cystosarcoma Phylloides
- Rare
- Age /- 40
- Rarely malignant
- Large
- Mobile
- Bosselated
- Ulceration of skin
27Tumorsof the breast
- Cystosarcoma Phylloides
- Tx local excision w. margin
- May recur locally!
- If highly mitotic or recurrent Mastectomy
28Nipple discharge
- Milky, Serous, Bloody all colors of the
rainbow - Milky discharge
- nl. with lactation
- Galactocele
- milk, cheese, calcification
- Can become infected
- Excision
- Galactorrhea
- Pituitary tumors (prolactin)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Medications
29Nipple discharge
- Serous discharge
- Common
- Usually benign ( age 60 D/D carcinoma)
- Complete breast evaluation!
- Tx Observation
- Abstain from repeated breast manipulation
- Treatment of underlying problem
30Nipple discharge
- Bloody discharge
- Fibrocystic disease
- Ductal papilloma
- Ductal carcinoma
- Management
- With lump - treat the lump
- W/O lump - complete breast evaluation
Ductogram Duct endoscopy
Lacrimal probe to localize duct Duct
Age 40
31Tumorsof the breast
- Gynecomastia
- Neonates
- Mothers hormones
- Puberty
- Hormonal imbalance
- Seniors
- Androgen deficiency
- General Etiology
- Idiopathic
- Endocrine
- Testicular atrophy
- Testicular tumors
- Adrenal tumors
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pituitary tumors
- Genetic
- XO, XXY,
- Liver disease
- Bronchial carcinoma
- Kidney failure
- Medications
- Digitalis, Spironolactone, Anabolic steroids,
32Tumorsof the breast
- Gynecomastia
- Thorough history and physical!
- Endocrine workup as indicated
- Biopsy Mammogram when
- clinical suspicion
- persistence w/o clear cause
- age 60
- Tx
- Observation
- Danazole / Tamoxifen
- Excision
33Benign disease of the Breast