Title: USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
1USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
Bob Bruninga, Ground Station Engineer
- Astronautics Overview
- Satellite and communications Labs
- Satellite Student Design Projects
- Ground Station Ops
- Extracurricular
May 2008
2Astraonautics Track Overview
- 8 Faculty in Astronautics (out of 16 total in
Aerospace) - 3 Full time Civilian Astronautics Faculty
(PhD) - 2 Full time Military (PhD)
- .5 Half-time with NASA Faculty (PhD)
- .5 Half-time Aero (structures) (PhD)
- 2 Funded Chairs (PhD)
- 1 Engineer (Labs and Satellite Projects) (MS
EE) - Students
- 15-30 Astro(30) (out of 50-90 in Aerospace
3Astronautics Budget
Internal OM,N 150K Navy Network Warfare 150K
(Space Chair, Tech, Support) External (Gift or
Endowment) Heinline Chair 130K (endowed
chair) Rogers Chair 140K (endowed
chair) Aerospace Corp 50K (ParkinsonSat) Aero
Gift Fund 5K (Various) Total Budget about
4Satellite Labs
- Missions, Orbits, STK Projects
- Communications, Links, Antennas
- Transmitters, Receivers, Losses
- EPS, Electrical Power System
- Signals and Telemetry
- Thermal Lab
Noise temperature
5Antenna Lab
Geo Arc and 9 operating positions
C/Ku band TVRO
VHF dipole
UHF Satcom
6Communications, Receivers, Losses
Gain, losses Amps and LNAs Cable losses
Geo-Arc Beamwidth Spectrum Analyzer
Downconverters Demod, Decoding
7Communications, Links, Gain
Wavelength Antenna Size Types
Gain, Beamwidth Link Budget SNR
SWR Matching
8Antenna Lab for Seniors (1st Class)
RF LABsat model on rotor
Dipole 1
Dipole 1
Rotator and S/A to plot pattern
Antenna Phasing experiment
9Antenna Link Budget and Gain
- Uses small 2.4 GHz camera/transmitters
- First observe dipole link (1000)
- Place dipole at dish focus and measure gain
- Swing dish to see Beamwidth
10Antenna Matching and Plots
Using GPS signals to plot antenna pattern of GPS
Using PI network to match spacecraft antenna for
best SWR
11Telemetry Lab
Sensors Circuits Conditioning Engineering
conversion Decoding Protocols
12EPS Lab
Begin using LABsats
Solar Panels I-V curves Distribution Regulation Sh
adowing RTG demo
EPS LABsat Design Lab
13Thermal Lab
Conduction Radiation Absorbtivity Emissivity Insul
14Attitude Control Labs (LABsats)
Can demo all but gravity gradient
Match-head thruster
Magnetometer Sun Sensor Start Tracker
15US Naval Academy LABsats
Labsats mostly integrated into labs by 2004
16Basic USNAsat
Ham Radio TNC Terminal Node Controller 180
17Transmitter Tests
Power out Efficiency Temperature Spectrum and EMI
18Receiver Tests
19Demodulation - FSK
- All Seven Student LABsats on the air
- Sharing a single TDMA channel
- Using FSK for demodulation
20Demodulation - PSK
Indoor LABsat RX
LABsat configured as HF to UHF linear transponder
PSK-31 Waterfall Spectrum display on Students
21Command-Control-Telemetry Ground Stations
Laptop Ground Stations for PCSATs, ANDE, RAFT,
22Past Satellite Design Projects
- Satellite and communications Labs
- Satellite Design Projects
- Past missions
23Satellite Design Projects
- NATSweb 1st Sea-Launch (1997 scrubbed in last
week!) - PCsat Launched Athena 30 Sept 2001
- Sapphire -- Launched Athena 30 Sept 2001
- PCSAT2 STS-114 26 Jul 06 return to flight
- ARISS Launched on Progress Aug 2003
- ANDE STS-116 21 Dec 06
- RAFT1 STS-116 21 Dec 06
- MARScom STS-116 21 Dec 06
- MIDSTAR - STP-1 9 Mar 07
- ParkinsonSAT Commenced Fall 2006
24USNA Constellation
25Future Satellite Design Projects
- Satellite and communications Labs
- Satellite Design Projects
DRAGON Particle Detector
Micro Dosimeter (MIDN)
26Future Psat
Auxilliary Payload 39 cu.in 1W average power 5W
peak power
27Low-Cost Satellite Design Projects
- NATSweb 2k 1st Sea-Launch (1997 scrubbed in
last week!) - PCsat 30k Launched Athena 30 Sept 2001
- Sapphire - 3k? Launched Athena 30 Sept 2001
- PCSAT2 35k STS-114 26 Jul 06 return to flight
- ARISS 2k Launched on Progress Aug 2003
- ANDE 35k Launched STS-116 21 Dec 06
- RAFT1 15K Launched STS-116 21 Dec 06
- MARScom 15K Launched STS-116 21 Dec 06
- MIDSTAR - 1.8M Launched Atlas-V Mar 07
- ParkinsonSAT 50k Commenced Fall 2006
28Satellite Design Involvement
PCsat 16 projects Goodhiew 97, Morgan 98,
Lundberg, Scrabeck, Gomez, Melanson, Kollar,
Mattera, Ortiz 99 - Burroughs 99, Schwenzer,
Nolan, Lawrence, Boutros 2000, Sullivan,
Gutweiler 2001, Machinest Mike Spencer
PCSAT2 8 projects Otero, Silver, Jones,
Kolwicz, Evans, and Henry(03) Operations
Paquette and Robeson(05) ANDE 8
projects Aaron, Villalbi, and Weisenberg, Kelley,
Keller, Harris(03), Patterson, Ensign
Sillman(02) RAFT1 16 projects Robeson,
Paquette (06) - Orloff, Kinzbrunner, and Rose(05)
- Baker, Tuttle, Colvin (04) Abbott, Atwater,
Brandt, Hansen, McLean(03). And 3 in (02)
Midstar/ICsat 56 students over 8
years MIDN/Dragon, etc 20 Students over 4
years ParkinsonSAT 21 projects Papso,
Edirisinghe, Icard, Meyer, Phillips(08), -
Dendinger, Lewis, Lwin, Campbell, Sydney, Okun,
Londono, Smythe, Lindsay, Mayer 07 -Koeppel,
Lovick, Paquette, Piggrem, Robeson, Vandegriff
(06) OPERATIONS EA-204 Intro to Astro (100
students / year). EA-467 Labs (30/yr)
29PCsat, launched 30 Sept 2001
Still semi-operational
Team 6 Students/yr, 2 Profs, 1 Engineer 2200
Amateur Satellite Users
30Current Status
Negative power budget due to fail-safe default
Full recovery after each full-sun period.
31PCsat Comms Mission
- Data Relay (Situational Awareness) for Mobiles
and Handheld radios. GPS tracking and LIVE to
Blue Force Tracking
32Typical PCsat User Station
(Blue Force Tracking)
33Typical Pass Display
34Internet Linked Ground Stns
www.ariss.net pcsat.aprs.org
35Internet Linked Ground Stns
www.ariss.net pcsat.aprs.org
36Internet Linked Data Displays
www.ariss.net pcsat.aprs.org
37PCsat Student Operations
38Other Experiments through PCsat
- Antarctic WX station
- F-16 downed flyer demo (Rome Air Development
Center) - Arctic Tracking (trucks up frozen rivers gt70º
Latitude) - ISS Joint Ops (2 weeks of constellation flying)
- USNA Marconi Re-enactment (St Johns Newfoundland)
- 2200 other users worldwide
39Air Space Museum
Donated April 2004 to Smithsonian
For Display At Dulles
40PCSAT2, DOD synergy in the Amateur Satellite
Bob Bruninga US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Amateur Satellite Service partnering with DOD and
- Very short development time
- Simplicity and off the shelf
- Educational Project
- Communications service to Users
- Telemetry for Space Environment
- Configuration controlled on the ground
41NASA/Glen Solar Experiment
40 Solar Cell Samples Latest triple junction
technology PCSAT-2 downloaded 3 Mbytes/day via
network of Volunteer Ground Stations (We paid
our rent)
42MISSE5 PCSat2 26 July
Midshipmen involved in early integration and
testing of PCSat2 electronics.
Two views of the initial deployment of
MISSE/PCSat by astronaut Soichi Noguchi. It was
installed 8 days after the launch of STS-114 (26
July 05)
43Satellite Transponders
44PCSAT2 Location
Returned August 2006 after a years exposure
45Global Situational Awareness Network
46Typical User Station
Encourage Schools and Students to get involved in
47ANDE Satellite
Joint Project with NRL
Atmospheric Drag USNA Comms Telemetry -
Temperature - Attitude - Laser Control
Primary Lithium Batteries
49ANDE Deployment 21 Dec 2006
Initially FCAL separated from the container, but
not ANDE
Radar returns later indicated ANDE separation
50ANDE Satellite
51ANDE Satellite
52ANDE Satellite
Deployed 21 Dec 2006
Temp Data throughout (paid our rent)
53RAFT Project (two Satellites)
RAFT-1 (PCsat) MARScom
216.98 MHz
NSSS Radar Fence
54Stanford Cubesat Projects
50 in construction!
AIAA/USU Conference 30 of all papers were
related to CUBESATS
55Simple LABsat TLM/CMD System
56RAFT/MARScom Deployment(SSPL5510)
57NAVSPASUR Radar Fence
Daily Bistatic Radar Demo with Moon
58NAVSPASUR Radar Fence
Doppler from Radar Fence detected on RAFT
59Raft Radar Transponder
4 mW RAFT oscillator detected by PE1ITR!
60RAFT Deployment
61RAFT Project (MARScom)
YP Radios
HF SSB downlink
62MIDSTAR Mission9 March 2007
Atlas-V EELV ESPA Ring STP-1 ICsat CFTP Midn,
Mems, Ncnu
S-band No attitude control
- Named in Honor of Dr. Parkinson (50k grant)
- Link budget using Omni antennas on satellite and
buoys - Sun pointing ACDS system
- EPS system with a solar panel battery
configuration - Positive standby power budget in any attitude
- Thermal Regulation of Components
64Psat USNA-0601
Sun Pointing Attitude Control System
- Pointing requirements are relaxed /- 40 deg
- High precision attitude control not required
ODTML on (18W)
SAFE mode
ODTML off (4.5 W)
65- Display consists of three view frames
- First Frame
- Rickover Lobby reference frame
- Displays the simulated sun (Lamp) angle LL in
reference to the Lobby frame - Displays the spacecraft solar bus voltage and
charging current. - Second Frame
- Sun frame
- Displays Spacecraft angle to the Sun angle SS
- Relative sun current measurements for X, Y and Z
- Used to determine sun angle
- A second column shows these values after being
normalized to /- 10 degrees - Latest version also displays CW and CCW rotation
rate arrow showing direction and magnitude of the
spin rate. - Third Frame
- SolSat Frame
- Displays reported Earths Magnetic field vector
relative to the Spacecraft, angle SM - Displays measured components of the spacecrafts
magnetometer in X, Y and Z components - Used to determine the Earths magnetic Field
66ADCS (P-sat Demo)
Actual Torques and Earths Magnetic
67ADCS Simulation Results
- After approximately 1.4 orbits, the ADCS system
gains control of the spacecraft - Tip-off rates removed for the X and Y axes down
to approximately 0.2 degrees per second - Tip-off rate is reduced to 2 degrees per second
for the Z axis to establish stability - Based on an initial tip-off rate of 5 degrees per
68USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
Bob Bruninga, Ground Station Engineer
- Satellite and communications Labs
- Satellite Design Projects
- Ground Station Ops
- Extracurricular
PCSAT-1, ANDE/RAFT 12 Meter (AO-40) C/Ku TVRO
(NASA TV) Teleconferencing Summer Seminars,
Tours AMSAT Tracking
69PCSAT1/2ANDE/RAFT Telemetry
70USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
RS0ISSgtPP0PP0,SGATE,qAo Go Army beat
Navy! PCSAT-1gtAPRS,SGATE,qAo Go Navy Beat
Army! PCSAT2gtAPRS,SGATE,qAo Go Navy Beat Army!
71USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
- 12 meter NASA dish (1989)
- C and Ku TVRO
- S band (100W)
- Needs new controller
- Needs new RF
- Needs network upgrades
- Needs all RF cable refurb
- Needs Mission
72USNA Satellite Lab/Ground Station
Bob Bruninga, Ground Station Engineer
- Satellite and communications Labs
- Ground Station Ops
- Satellite Design Projects
- Extracurricular
73Other Activities
Space Day (AirSpace) AMSAT (North
America) Marconi 100th (St Johns) BSA
RadioBadge School Mentoring Balloon Tracking
74AMSAT Operations
AO-40 Rescue
75USNA Extracurricular Activities
W3ADO, oldest USNA ECA (1928)
Annual Moonbounce Event
Football Boat GPS Tracking, Comms, Imagry,
Data, Internet
Sea Trials
76- Our Satellites provide a low cost educational
transponder supporting not only GPS position
reporting but also remote WX stations and other
data link experiments and other University and
School Experiments.
- The comm channels can potentially draw from
over 30,000 experimenters for easy assessment of
loading and scaling issues.
- Not only the sensors and users exist, but the
global Internet collection and distribution
system also exists from PCSAT1 2, ANDE and RAFT.
77Internet Linked Ground Stns
Daily Players
www.ariss.net pcsat.aprs.org