Title: Improve communication efficiency with Ozeki Phone System XE
1Improvecommunicationefficiency with
Welcome to this video from Ozeki. This video
provides some useful tips on how to make the most
out of your communication system with Ozeki Phone
System XE Windows-based VoIP PBX.
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Shift work from humans
to machines
3Shift work from humans to machines
Send SMS automatically
at a predefined date and time using your database
You only need to click on the Send button in
your SMS application and Ozeki Phone System XE
will send your SMS automatically to the
appropriate mobile telephone numbers.
4Shift work from humans to machines
Make automated phone calls
at a predefined date and time using your database
You only need to click on the Send button in
your VoIP application and Ozeki Phone System XE
will initiate phone calls automatically to the
proper telephone numbers.
6Feedback in phone call
use touchtone (DTMF) keypress
for exploiting the benefits of an Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) menu
Just build an IVR menu system into your PBX
andautomate the handling of the customer queries
using DTMF signals by saving time and money.
7Feedback in SMS
get delivery report or reply SMS
to find out if your (or your customers) message
has arrived or not
Be sure that your SMS has arrived by receiving
delivery reports.Let your partners know that you
have got their messages by sending them an
automated reply SMS.
8Act on
9Act on feedback
Store feedback in database
to convert incoming data into useful information
With Ozeki Phone System XE you can store all your
partners feedback in your database, providing a
great way to react to them or analyse the results.
10Act on feedback
Say Thank you with an SMS
to let your partners know you have received their
valuable message
After receiving an SMS it is a great opportunity
to send back an automated reply SMS to the
original sender to let them know you really
appreciate their feedback.
11Act on feedback
Call somebody else automatically
to transfer incoming calls to the most competent
Handle incoming calls efficiently by building an
IVR menu system into your PBX. This way, you can
easily find out your partners needs and forward
their call to the most appropriate operator.
12All this is possible withOZEKI Phone System XE
13Downloadit NOW