Title: Nitrous Outlet NOS Accessories
1Toll Free 866- 648-7637
Nitrous System Accessories
Nitrous Outlet
Nitrous Outlet is the ultimate source of
everything Nitrous!!
- In 2001, Nitro Daves LLC founded Nitrous
Outlet performance industry as a - part retailer and install shop in the U.SA.
- We provide safer, faster performance
accessories in the USA and - Australia.
- We sell high quality Nitrous System
Accessories at an affordable price. - Today, Nitrous Outlet products are sourced
from leading manufacturers - around the world.
- Unmatched customer service and Guaranteed
3Nitrous System Accessories
Nitrous Kit
NOS Accessories
Nitrous System
Nitrous Direct Port Kit
4Our Services
- Direct Port Plumbing
- We specialize in plumbing direct port
applications. Our basic plumbing service includes
product examination, leak testing and flow
testing. - Intake Spray Bars
- Next to getting a direct port, a spray bar is the
next best way to inject nitrous - into the intake. Our spray bars our custom to
each intake and are drilled to - direct flow to each runner of the intake for
equal cylinder distribution.
5Nitrous Direct Port Kit
Only 1,059.99
Only 549.99
Only 874.99
6Our New Products
Only 334.50
Only 699.99
Only 699.99
7Jetting Charts
8Our Customer Cars
Name Ray Hinton Location Temple, Texas
Vehicle 1994 Pontiac Formula Dyno 566 HP / 604
TQ 1/8 Mile 6.690 _at_ 0103.70 MPH 1/4 Mile
10.480 _at_ 129.90 MPH
Name Tony Shepherd Location Georgetown, Texas
Vehicle 1993 Chevrolet Camaro Dyno 824 HP / 854
TQ 1/8 Mile 5.500 _at_ 125.00 1/4 Mile 8.680 _at_
9(No Transcript)
10Nitrous Outlet 5427 N. HWY 6 Suite C Waco, TX
76712 254-848-4300
sales_at_nitrousoutlet.com www.nitrousoutlet.com
11 Thank You!!