Title: Ron Eakes Is A Successful Businessman And A Philanthropist
1Ron Eakes Is A Successful Businessman And A
2Ron Eakes owns a construction company, Mid Plains
Construction in Plains, KS, which offers various
specialized products and services in the field of
construction. He is a renowned personality in
Kansas who is known for his leadership qualities
and humanitarian efforts. His company employs
more than 70 workers who are committed to provide
highly efficient and reliable services.
3The company has an edge over its competitors and
excels in providing construction services such as
grading services, asphalt driveway restructuring,
general construction, foundation repairs, floor
leveling, concrete ready mix sales, and advanced
concrete construction, etc. The company has been
catering to the construction needs of Kansas and
the surrounding rural areas for more than 33
years and they continue to do so. Ron has also
invested in three ready mix plants and two large
scale dairies.
4Ron Eakes is an alumnus of popular Dodge City
Community College, where he completed his degree
in 1979. Before enrolling in college, he went to
South Western Heights School, which is a
prestigious school in Kansas. Dodge City
Community College is known for its sports
activities and their teams are highly popular.
5The college athletic team is popularly called
Conqs and takes part in sports events, which are
organized every year. The students of college not
only participate in various sports such as
baseball, soccer, softball, basket ball, golf,
volleyball, etc., but also win laurels in these
sports. Ron has developed keen interest in golf
since college days and he still plays the game
whenever he has time. Besides golf, Ron Eakes is
also interested in traveling.
6Ron Eakes is a good Samaritan who considers it
his social responsibility to help the less
privileged and downtrodden. He is actively
serving various non-profit organizations that
work for uplifting the poor and needy in the
society. He is an active member of American
Cancer Society and participates in the cancer
awareness campaigns organized by the society.
7This organization is committed to eliminating
cancer in the country. He has been associated
with the renowned Lion's Club for long. Some
other non-government organizations that Ron
supports include Save The Children, Kansas Peace
Officers, Children' Miracle Network, Knights of
Columbus, Special Olympics, Church Council, etc.
He extends his full support to these
8Thank You!