Title: Home Fire Safety | Fire Protection Systems
1Fire Safe Leading Provider of Commercial,
Industrial and High Rise Residential Fire
Protection, Inspection and Maintenance Services
2Fire Safe Know More About Us
. Fire Safe is a leading provider of commercial,
industrial and high rise residential fire
protection, training, inspection and maintenance
services. . Fire Safe is a Corporate Silver
member of the Fire Protection Association of
Australia and proudly supports its standards and
codes of practice. . Fire Safe have the
capability to service the any types of fire
protection equipment, detection, warning,
suppression systems which exist within
residential, commercial and industrial sites. .
Fire Safe is also able to design and implement
your emergency evacuation plan and procedures.
3Introduction with Fire Safe Team
Maurice Sayes - General Manger - Maurice has over
30 years of senior business and operational
management experience with a background in supply
chain and logistics. Maurice is very customer
focused and responsible for all aspects of the
business Tim Gordon - Sales Manager - Tim has
many years of experience in senior business
management and sales. Tim understands that good
customer service and a reliable product is
necessary to ensure the customers needs are being
met. David Sayes - Marketing Manager - David
has many years of experience in marketing,
national account management and business
strategy. David strongly believes in promoting
fire safe's services and ensure both our
customers and employees are constantly being keep
up to date with the Australian Standards.
Niven Little - Technical Manager - Niven has
over 25 years industry experience in dealing with
all types of fire protection systems and
services. Niven's technical knowledge is second
to none and is an invaluable member to the Fire
Safe team
4Fire Safe Services Provided by Fire Safe
Fire Safe offers following services -gt
Scheduled inspections -gt Testing and maintenance
-gt Annual fire statements -gt Rapid response -gt
Training -gt Installation -gt Emergency
Evacuation Plans and Procedures -gt Fire
Courses -gt Medical Courses -gt Emergency
Evacuation Procedures -gt Annual Fire Safety
5Fire Safe Products Offered by Fire Safe Team
Fire Safe offers number of fire protection and
safety products -gt Fire Extinguishers -gt Hose
Reels -gt Pumps -gt Fire Doors -gt Training -gt
Emergency Evacuation Procedures -gt Sprinkler
Systems -gt Smoke Detection -gt Emergency
Lights -gt Fire Panels -gt EWIS -gt Fire
Hydrants -gt And much more
6Fire Safe Contact Us to Learn More About Safety
Contact Fire Safe to learn everything about
safety precautions Country Australia Sate New
South Wales Phone No 1300 347 372 sales_at_firesafe-