Title: Iowa Probate Explained
1Iowa Probate Explained
2The Myth
3You have certainly seen this scene in movies,
4Someone passes away
5After the funeral, there is a reading of the
6The assumption is that the person who read the
will is going to distribute inheritances right
7The Reality
8In reality, there is no reading of the will
9When you create a will you name an executor or
executrix to administer the estate
10After you pass away, this representative must
admit the will to the probate court
11 12During probate the business of the estate is
13This can include paying final debts, including
14Property liquidation is often necessary as well
15CHALLENGES TO THE WILL can be presented during
16Given everything that must be accomplished, the
process of estate administration can take a good
bit of time
17No one is going to receive an inheritance UNTIL
18 19Exactly how long the process of probate will take
depends on the circumstances
20Simple cases can be resolved in a matter of months
21Some complicated cases are stalled in probate
for multiple years
22 23In the state of Iowa smaller estates can
potentially be administered outside of the full
probate process
24If the estate is worth less than 25,000 it may
be possible to claim property through the
execution of a simple affidavit
25A simplified probate process may be available if
the estate in question is valued at 100,000 or
26 27When you learn about the process you may wonder
if it is possible to arrange for asset transfers
outside of probate
28THE ANSWER IS YES, probate avoidance strategies
are routinely implemented by licensed estate
planning attorneys
29Davenport, Iowa Estate Planning Attorneys
Can Probate Be Avoided?
30Our firm has a comprehensive understanding of the
Iowa probate process
31We also assist clients who would like to avoid
32If you would like to discuss your situation with
a licensed professional contact us to schedule a
free consultation
33You can reach us by phone at (563) 445-7400 or
contact us through our website
Click to visit www.DuffyLawOffice.com