Title: H & A Industries, Surrey – Serving Engineering Solutions Since 1995
1 H A Industries, Surrey
2- H A Industries, Surrey Serving Engineering
Solutions Since 1995 - H A Industries, Surrey was established in 1995
with the purpose to serve all industries with
precision machining and engineering solutions.
They are dedicated to supplying clients with
competitively priced, high-quality, and on time
delivery of part manufacturing and design. At
every stage, quality is built into the processes
even before manufacturing phase starts. From
preparing a quotation to readying a shipment, the
teams are focused on assuring the quality of
components. Initial review of quality
requirements and quality planning methods are
meticulous and the process planning methods and
manufacturing practices are exact. The factor
that gives H A Engineering an edge over other
firms in the marketplace is the successful
integration of these techniques.
3- Excellent Design Solutions offered by H A
Engineering - H A Engineering has earned a respectable name
in the industry for providing clients with
excellent engineering solutions. Whether it is a
simple part or complex mechanical assembly, from
design to prototype to production, they can make
it happen. The machinists, programming
technicians, as well as material handling
employees are dedicated to meeting customers'
requirements in the best manner. The personnel
are qualified in their trades and take pride in
completing the manufacturing process from start
to finish.
4 H A Industries has Prospered under the
guidance of President Hendrik du Randt Hendrik
du Randt is the President of H A Industries,
Surrey. He has brought his vast management and
machining knowledge to the firm. He has helped
integrate his many years of experience with state
of the art equipment to create a dynamic
production system. He has worked hard to pass his
knowledge to the next generation of machinists at
H A Engineering. Whatever may be the
manufacturing requirements of clients, the latest
equipment and technology can see their components
through, from concept to finished product. They
can build to your drawings, or design solutions
that will keep you productive and profitable. For
more details, please browse through
5Contact Us H and A Engineering Ltd. 101 - 9465
189th St. Surrey, B.C. V4N 5L8 PHONE
604.513.9322 www.handaeng.com