Title: Jathakam
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4Astrology is a group of systems, traditions and
beliefs which hold that the relative positions of
celestial bodies can provide information about
personality, human affairs, and other global
matters. The word 'Astron' means star and 'Logos'
means science. Thus, it is the science that
studies the stars in the horoscope of every human
being. However, India has given more importance
for the study and research of this science. The
concept of horoscope in the India Verdict system
is the most accurate and sophisticated method of
astrological predictions. Horoscope foretells
almost every area of human being such as health,
wealth, love, marriage, business, profession
etc.Horoscope or Jathakam is the creation of
basic placement of planets at time of birth in a
pre-decided format called the birth chart. It is
used as a method of prediction regarding events
relating to the point in time. An assembly of
basic placements of planets at the time of birth
in a diagrammatic format is called horoscope
chart.The Indian horoscope is created by the
help of nine planets on the heavenly body at the
time of birth. The nine planets would get
position in different house of the zodiac sign.
These nine planets and twelve signs of the zodiac
play a vital role in the life of every human
being. The life of a mankind is determined as per
the position of the planets in the horoscope.
Thus, the nine planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
have a vital role in the life of every human
5Horoscope or Jathakam is the most important chart
on which astrological predictions are made. To
specify their positions at the time of birth, or
any moment of time, a reference point is needed
to identify the position of planets in relation
to the earth.Thus the planets, their positions
and their movements can be studied through
horoscopes.When horoscope readings are made, it
is important to realize that planetary positions
are estimated in relation to both the zodiac
signs and the asteroids. Horoscope charts may be
circular, rectangular or in other geometrical
forms but they all represent 360 degree of the
celestial horizon. The horoscope consists of
twelve houses. Each house of horoscope has been
divided into sections and each section is
associated with various deities as a specific
purpose.A horoscope is a passport for the
native at the time of birth and it is a proof of
ones existence on earth. Proficient astrologers
study the astronomical diagram and make spiritual
predictions on the effect of the various planets
intruding upon the native. Suitable remedies are
suggested to maintain the goodness of native
related to prosperity or power, health or harmony
and misfortunes or family affairs. There are many
kinds of remedies such as Vedic rituals or Yagya,
Gems, Mantra, Tantra, Yantra etc. Yagya is
prescribed at the bad phase in life. Gems in
astrology are prescribed as per the position of
planets in the horoscope. Mantra is a sound that
is repeated to overcome planet issues. Tantra and
Yantra are used together to rid negative forces
by planets energy.Hence, the science of Indian
astrology is the universal remedy for the entire
problem in human life. The people from all walks
of life have been following the philosophy of
astrology from time immemorial.