Title: Michael Dettmers Has Over 35 Years of International Experience
1Michael Dettmers Has Over 35 Years of
International Experience
2Michael Dettmers is a successful entrepreneur
with years of experience in organizational design
and transformation.. He is a dedicated coach,
writer and speaker, and presently works as a
consultant for a number of clients in the USA and
Europe. He helps companies create profitable,
team-based organizations that are driven by
innovation and a clear customer focus.
3In his career, Michael Dettmers has served as the
co-founder and President of Gylanix Solutions.
Their clients included Inter-Continental Hotels
and Resorts, Amnex, Inc., PPL Global, The Europe
Japan Center, Media Forum Ltd., PaineWebber, The
PA Chamber of Business and Industry, and The
Wildlife Center of Virginia. He has also
co-founded Dettmers Industries, Inc, a
manufacturer of seating and table products for
the global corporate aviation industry.
4Under his leadership, the company was selected as
one of the Best Small Companies To Work For In
America by Inc. magazine. By incorporating
team-based compensation, along with extensive
education and training, the company dramatically
shortened manufacturing cycle times, accelerated
innovation, and improved quality and
profitability. The Governor of Florida named
Dettmers Industries as its Special Honoree during
Industry Appreciation Week. It was selected as an
Outstanding Training and Employment Partner by
The Treasure Coast Private Industry Council.
5Michael Dettmers earned an Executive MBA from
Kennedy-Western University and a BA in Economics
from Concordia University. He has also served as
an Assistant Coach with the University of
Virginia Men's Ice Hockey Team from 1999-2002. He
enjoys playing golf, ice hockey, and SuperSlow
Strength Training in his free time.
6Thank You!