Title: Donald Cardelli
1Donald Cardelli
Licensed Private Investigator
Donald Cardelli is a man of many hats. He served
in the FBI for over 30 years and was a serviceman
in Vietnam. After he was through serving his
country, he worked as a licensed private
investigator in the state of Florida. Donald
Cardelli found this job interesting and rewarding
and very different from his previous place of
employment. Donald Cardelli still lives in
Florida today.
Address 125 Chipola Road Cocoa Beach, FL, USA,
Phone Number 1 321-394-6160
2Temple University Graduate
Donald Cardelli graduated in 1976 from Temple
University with a degree in theater and
communications. While Donald Cardelli would go on
to have a distinguished career with the FBI, he
still has a deep love for theater in his heart.
He looks back on his time spent in college with
fondness, and Donald Cardelli enjoyed every
minute of his education - even writing papers!
3Army Commendation Medal
Like many of his generation, Donald Cardelli
served in the Vietnam War. His service was from
1965 until 1967. While Donald Cardelli does not
remember the horrors of war very fondly, he is
proud to have served his country when called upon
to do so. After his service, Donald Cardelli
would go on to a successful career in the FBI and
then work as a private investigator.
430 Year Award for Service in FBI
Donald Cardelli has no regrets about settling
into his career with the FBI. Donald Cardelli
found this work to be interesting and rewarding.
He was a part of the prosecution of Ramzi Yousef,
the mastermind of the first World Trade Center
bombing in 1993. Donald Cardelli would serve in
the FBI for a total of 32 years before retiring
in 2000.