Title: Long Division Made Easy: The App and its Utility!
1introducingLong Division Games App ( Learn,
Perfect, Teach and Play!)
- A Glimpse at the New Features!
- The Long Division Made Easy is an app made for
the children who are learning division. The app
makes learning and practising division fun,
stress free and simple. - The interesting part is that this game is
compatible with smart phones and tablets. Apart
from this, the app is divided into 3 memorable
steps or guidelines that children and parents can
see when they operate the app for the first time.
- The app includes features like collecting stars,
winning trophies and learning division with a
funny character named Mizards. A rap song video
by the Mizards introducing the app and division
activity makes learning long division easy and
fun to undertake.
4Know the Mizards
- The Mizards are mathematical wizards. They are
named as Pops, Mr Stops, Cloudy Tops, Amber Lots
and they are created using different colours.
Pops is light blue in colour, Mr Stops is
coloured in red, Cloudy tops is of grey colour
while Ambers Lots is made up of orange and green
colour. - One has to multiply pops with tops Mizards to get
the correct answer in form of a signal from the
green Go Below Mizards. Mr Stops will help the
remainder being carried forward to find out the
correct answer. The Mizards are placed in place
of divisor, dividend and the quotient.
5Play While You Use
- The hints page in the app gives a general
introduction to the users on the Mizards and how
you can take their help while playing the
division game. Scores are saved for the next time
when you continue with the game. - Children can make the game challenging by turning
the Hints off and test themselves. They can also
go through the practice round to get accustomed
to the app. The players simply have to get
maximum correct answers and they can to proceed
towards the next stage to become a Master
Mizards at the end of the game. The game is fun
even for the parents. - In total, there are 4 levels and one bonus round,
each with an option for Easy, medium, difficult
and hard game. So get over the division phobia
and download this app, NOW!
6Screenshots of Long Division Game
7Screenshots of Long Division Game
8How to do Long Division in App?
- There are three main steps to follow when working
out how to do long division. Aside you will see
our formula for you to follow, removing the
snoring words divisor, dividend and quotient and
replacing them with us awesome Mizards! Now once
you have followed these three simple steps, if
you have not completed your sum there is a fourth
step to follow. Repeat over and over until you
have your final answer...take a few moments to
get to know us -)
9See Our Formula In Action
10Look at The Sum Above And Follow Our Hints!
On the fourth step of the formula "Now What?"
where the hint message asks "Did Go Below turn in
to Mr. Stops?" On our android app Go Below (who
has the number 7 in his mouth) will automatically
turn in to Mr. Stops if there are more phases of
the sum to complete. If there are more phases to
complete the top line of Mr. Stops will
highlight, simply press him and all you have to
do then is repeat the above formula until the sum
is complete.
11Wooohoooo! It's even easier on our app!
- That wasn't too painful was it? We have a paid
and a free version of our app so that you can
learn how to do long division in a fun and easy
way! By the time you have completed the PRO
version of our app you will become a master
Mizard and with this title comes great
responsibility. Please join us in our mission and
pass on your knowledge to all of your friends,
lets help turn long division in to a stress free
subject but more importantly, NO MORE PULLING OUT
YOUR HAIR!!! Look at Go Below for instance he is
the only Mizard who was raised by earthies and
well seriously, look at his hair! lol. You cannot
change that you are human but you can change how
you learn long division. - Now try Long Division Made Easy app and
download this app from here - https//play.google.
.game or visit http//www.longdivisionmadeeasy.com
/ - See Cool Rap video - Watch till It's stuck in ya
head! Video Here - http//www.youtube.com/watch?v