Title: Welcome To Baker and Rannells
1Baker and Rannells, PA
Welcome To
2Trademark Lawyer New York
We have a good strength of trademark lawyers at
our New York office who will help you in your
cases related to trademark issues or registering
a trademark for your firm. Trademark lawyer New
York guide you in right path to avoid any
counterfeit issues associated with your
3Copyright Lawyer New Jersey
Get assistance from our lawyers related to any
issues of copyrights and trademarks. Lawyer at
Baker and Rannells, PA in new Jersey has a vast
experience in handling such kind of cases. So
call copyright lawyer New Jersey now with the
help of our online website.
4Entertainment Lawyers
Contact Baker and Rannells, PA for any issues
related to entertainment law. Our entertainment
lawyers will guide you in right direction
following all the legal procedures. Visit our
website for more information.
5Anti Counterfeiting Lawyer New York
Lawyers at Baker and Rannells, PA are dedicated
to protect your trademarks, copyrights and IP
from being counterfeited by others. We have
carried out several anti-counterfeiting programs
to help our clients. Visit our website for more
6Trademark Lawyer
- Consult our trademark lawyer for you any kind of
trademark related problems. We will help you in
dealing with all the legal procedures and get
your unique trademark registered for your
7Contact Us
Address 575 Route 28-Suite 102 Raritan, New Jersey 08869
Contact (212) 481-7007 (NY) (908) 722-5640 (NJ)
Email ID info_at_br-tmlaw.com
Website http//www.tmlawworldwide.com/