Title: Cloud Services Industry Analysis
1Get Your Head in the Clouds What Wireless
Carriers are missing with Consumer Cloud Services
Published Date February 2014 No. of Pages
Price Single User US 2000 Corporate
User US 5000
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Overview Cloud services are largely
business-to-business (B2B) to date with little
business-to-consumer (B2C) services impact other
than some data back-up and synchronization.
Furthermore, it is largely third-parties offering
consumer services and not the wireless
carriers. Wireless carriers have an opportunity
to utilize their unique assets (network and data)
and to leverage current and future partnerships
to their advantage. Carriers must begin to do
this now as they build out their 4G networks in
anticipation of many more data users and much
more data usage. This report provides
recommendations for wireless carriers to deploy
consumer cloud services as a value-added
complement to their data services. These
services will bring incremental revenue and
leverage carrier assets and their unique position
in the ecosystem. Inquiry Before Buying on
this Report_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/contac
ts/inquirybeforebuy.aspx?name276471 .
3Get Your Head in the Clouds What Wireless
Carriers are missing with Consumer Cloud Services
Report Benefits Understand the market potential
for consumer cloud services Identify specific
cloud-based services that carriers should begin
to offer Learn what carriers are doing right and
wrong currently with consumer cloud Understand
how consumer cloud services will help the
bottom-line for carriers Learn what carrier
assets should be utilized and how for consumer
cloud services Report Audience Cloud Services
Companies Mobile Cellular Carriers Wireless
Device Manufacturers Wireless Infrastructure
Providers Commerce, Content and Application
Providers Complete report is available _at_
-missing-with-consumer-cloud-services.html .
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Telecommunication_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/
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4Get Your Head in the Clouds What Wireless
Carriers are missing with Consumer Cloud Services
Table of Contents 1. Introduction1.1. Cloud
Services Overview1.2. Broadband and the
Cloud1.3. Why Carrier Cloud Services 2. Consumer
Cloud Service Issues2.1. Enterprise vs. Consumer
Needs2.2. Privacy, Security, and Identity2.3.
Consumer Willingness to Pay 3. Consumer Cloud
Services3.1. Storage and Backup3.2. Cloud
Applications3.3. Cloud Communications3.4. Cloud
Content3.5. Cloud Commerce 4. Trending
Services4.1. Analysis of Current Service
Offerings4.2. Leading Companies and
Solutions Buy a copy of report _at_
275194 .
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Telecommunication_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/
market-research/information-technology/ .
5Get Your Head in the Clouds What Wireless
Carriers are missing with Consumer Cloud Services
5. What Carriers are Missing and What they Should
Do5.1. Partnerships5.2. Carrier Network
Resources5.3. Carrier Data Resources5.4.
Identity Management5.5. Unique Carrier
Offerings 6. Future of Consumer Cloud
Services6.1. Personalized6.2.
Preference-driven6.3. Context-aware6.4.
Integrated with Network 7. Conclusions Contact sa
les_at_reportsandreports.com / Call 1 888 391 5441
for further information on Get Your Head in the
Clouds What Wireless Carriers are missing with
Consumer Cloud Services report OR for any other
market research and intelligence needs you may
have for your business.
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Telecommunication_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/
market-research/information-technology/ .
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