Title: Free Marriage Counseling for Couples
1Free Marriage Counseling
Easy Steps
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2Communication is Your Key
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3Using the Key
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4Step One
- Draw yourself and your partner, label each of
you with all your good qualities and that of your
partner. - Think of everything, no matter how small. Write
the words all around each person.
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5Step Two
- Repeat the drawings of the two of you, now write
around them all of the things that annoy you
about your partner now. - This may include things like lazy, unclean,
never tidies, always late for everything, forgets
important events like birthdays.
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6Step Three
- Lay the drawings out together, with a different
colored pen or crayon highlight on both sheets
the important things to you both in your
personality and your partners. Also highlight the
aspects of your marriage that make you feel the
worst. What really, really bugs you!?
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7Your are on the Journey
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8Step Four
- From step three choose one highlighted word or
phrase to start rebalancing your thinking. - Choose one of the things that annoys you, write
it at the top of a piece of paper and start to
analyze it, break it down.
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9Well Done!
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