Title: How to maintain your air conditioner.
1About Making Your A/C Keep Going
By http//www.ddair.com/
2Caring for the filters
Hire a good air condition service company to keep
your filters clean and dust-free for proper air
flow. Repair leaks, if any, and replace old and
time-worn filters without fail.
3Cleaning the evaporator coil
Clean up dirty evaporator coils of your A/C.
Always remember to keep the coil moist-free. A
damp evaporator will invite more dirt and
microbes and disable efficient air flow.
4Attending to the condenser coil
The condenser coil is needed to keep the hot air
away. Regularly clean the coil. Also, keep a
check on distortions that happen easily.
5Temperature check
Always make sure that the difference between the
temperature before and after cooling is not less
than 14 degrees. A degree of temperature less
than this may point towards a big problem.
6 Avoiding the covers
Keep your A/C under proper ventilation and never,
ever use covers. Wrapping up an A/C may lead to
poor air conditioning and even fire hazards.
Breathe healthy air and stay safe!
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