Title: Smart Glass & Smart Windows Market (2012 – 2017)
1MarketsandMarkets Presents
Global Smart Glass Smart Windows Market (2012
2According to the market research report Global
Smart Glass market 2012-2017, by technology
(Thermochromics, Liquid Crystal (LC), Suspended
Particle Display (SPD), Electrochromics,
Photochromic), Applications (Architectural
Commercial, Residential, Transportation
Automotive, Rail, Aviation, Marine) published
by MarketsandMarkets (www.marketsandmarkets.com),
the total Smart Glass market is expected to reach
3.83 billion by 2017 at a CAGR of 20.3 from
2012 to 2017. Browse gtgt
126 data tables 34 figures
257 pages n-depth TOC on Global Smart
Glass market 2012-2017 http//www.marketsandmar
l Early buyers will receive 10 customization on
this report.
3 Beginning in the early 1970s, the number of
research activities resulting in patenting of
technologies increased rapidly, leading to the
development of advanced fabrication processes,
enhanced properties, and an increased number of
applications across varied verticals such as
construction and automotive. Tints were applied
to glass to reduce heat transmission and glare,
and glass coated with metal oxide films reflected
heat or conducted electricity. This marked the
first application of smart glass in
automotive. Reflective coatings, low emissivity
glass, and gas-filled cavities have all been
components of energy-efficient windows since
decades but with the commercialization of smart
glass technologies such as Electrochromic (EC)
and Suspended Particle Display (SPD) among
others, there is an increasing adoption of smart
glass in both - residential and commercial
construction. Smart glass is an essential product
to add green factor to the building.
4 Smart glass and smart windows helps in
achieving zero-energy goals. Energy efficiency,
coupled with potential energy harvesting by
incorporating PV cells in these glasses is most
likely to make it as a key element of smart and
green buildings. With introduction of
Electrochromic (EC) rearview mirrors widely used
for its auto dimming property and its ability to
dynamically control light. Since then, the
industry has a come a long way, thanks to
continued research and development in the smart
glass technology field. Due to the inherent
properties of smart glass to reduce the heat loss
and glare control, smart glass is being used as
sunroof glass in the high end automobiles such as
Mercedes-Benz SLK, Audi and BMW. The high end
luxury car is witnessing significant adoption of
smart glasses not only as sunroof but also as
side windows owing to its ability to control
glare, provide shading while preserving views,
and improving indoor air quality.
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