Title: Global Orphan Drug Industry Analysis
1Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook 2018
Published Date February 2014 No. of Pages
Price Single User US 1440 Price Corporate
User US 1920
2New Market Research Report on Global Orphan Drug
Market Outlook 2018 added to ReportsnReports.com
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2018 by calling ReportsnReports.com at 1 888
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2018 in Nearly 70 Countries in subject line and
your contact details. The global
pharmaceutical industry has been experiencing a
slow growth in recent years owing to many factors
such as expiration of patents, competition from
generic drugs segment, exhausting pipelines, and
an increasingly stringent regulatory framework.
It is most likely that many blockbuster drugs
would lose their exclusivity in the next 5 year
horizon. Thus, due to significant competition
from generics and the current economic situation,
the focus area of the pharmaceutical companies is
undergoing a paradigm shift from manufacturing
traditional essential medicines to investing in
the new business model, which is also called
orphan drugs. The returns on investment from
orphan drugs are expected to help the pharma
companies to overcome the impact of revenue loss
due to expiry of patents of blockbuster
drugs. The major drivers for companies to
increasingly invest in orphan drugs include
government incentives for drug development and
strong support from the FDA and EU Commission in
special protocols. Inspite of pharma companies
facing many obstacles in this field, this segment
of orphan drugs is likely to have the potential
to provide the key to recovery and stability
within the market. Inquiry Before Buying on
this Report _at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/conta
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3Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook 2018
The orphan drugs enjoy significant competitive
advantages in the market owing to the market
exclusivity period after the drug has been
authorized. Through this clause, the manufacturer
of orphan drugs is given a monopoly status in the
market because according to the law, no other
company is allowed to market the orphan drugs
during the exclusivity period. Additionally, this
monopolistic power is further strengthened with
the fact that no other alternative health
technology exists for many orphan
drugs. "Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook 2018
research report by KuicK Research comprehensive
insight on following developments related to
global orphan drug market Global Regional
Orphan Drug Market Overview Orphan Drug
Designation Criteria Across Key Markets Market
Specific Reimbursement Policy Regulatory
Framework Orphan Drug Pipeline by Phase, Orphan
Designated Disease Country Competitive
Landscape Inquire Discount for this Report
_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/contacts/discount
.aspx?name274449 .
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Pharmaceuticals_at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/ma
rket-research/pharmaceuticals/ .
4Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook 2018
Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Orphan
Drugs1.1 Orphan Drug Defined1.2 Rising
Popularity of Orphan Drugs 2. Why Shift from
Non-Orphan to Orphan Drugs?2.1 Exhausting
Product Pipelines2.2 Profitability of Orphan
Drugs2.3 Increasing RD Investment2.4 Role of
Economic Incentives2.5 Patent Protection
Market Exclusivity 3. Global Orphan Drug Market
Outlook3.1 Market Overview3.2 Biological
Non-Biological Orphan Drugs3.3 Therapeutic
Segmentation3.4 Regional Segmentation
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5Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook 2018
4. US Orphan Drug Market Outlook4.1 Orphan Drug
Designation Criteria4.2 Market Overview4.3
Reimbursement Policy4.4 Regulatory
Framework Complete report is available _at_
al-orphan-drug-market-outlook-2018.html . Buy a
copy of report _at_ http//www.reportsnreports.com/pu
rchase.aspx?name274449 . Contact sales_at_reportsan
dreports.com / Call 1 888 391 5441 for further
information on Global Orphan Drug Market Outlook
2018 report OR for any other market research and
intelligence needs you may have for your
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