Title: Will a Revocable Living Trust Protect My Asset?
1Will a Revocable Living Trust Protect My Assets?
2Estate Planning and Asset Protection
3Different people are going to have different
concerns when they are involved in the process of
estate planning
4It all depends on your circumstances
5For some, asset protection is a priority
Why Would You Need Asset Protection?
7If you keep assets in your personal possession,
they can be targeted by people who may be suing
8Tax liens could be placed on these assets
9And, they could be part of a divorce settlement
10 Assets that you are leaving behind to your loved
ones can also be targeted
Will a Revocable Trust Protect My Assets?
12REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS are very popular in the
field of estate planning
13You may be under the impression that ALL TRUSTS
14In fact, revocable living trusts do not protect
assets from creditors or claimants
Why Won't a Revocable Living Trust Provide Asset
When you convey assets into a revocable living
trust you do not surrender control of these
16In fact, this is part of the appeal
17You retain incidents of ownership, there is
nothing stopping you from satisfying judgments
with the assets
18For this reason they are not protected
Why Would I Want a Revocable Living Trust?
If you aren't getting any asset protection, why
would you want a revocable living trust?
20Revocable living trusts facilitate the transfer
of monetary assets in a timely and efficient
21 A professional fiduciary can manage the trust
22This structure is appealing to many people
How Can You Protect Assets?
24Revocable living trusts won't protect your assets
25However, there are legal devices that can be
utilized to protect assets
26(No Transcript)
27There are other options as well
28Warren NJ Asset Protection Attorney
Warren NJ Asset Protection Attorney
29You have to look beyond revocable living trusts
if asset protection is a concern
30If you are interested in learning about viable
asset protection strategies, CONTACT OUR FIRM TO
31Central New Jersey Estate Planning Consultation
Central New Jersey Estate Planning Consultation
32If you live in central New Jersey we invite you
to contact our firm to schedule a free estate
planning consultation
33When you take the appropriate stepsyou can
protect yourself while you provide for everyone
that you love
34- Click to visit AugulisLawFirm.com
- (908) 222-8803