Allergy Testing and Treatment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Allergy Testing and Treatment


Allergies are a unit caused by the body's system misclassifying harmless substances as doubtless dangerous. once the body comes in reality with the substance either by ingesting, breathing or touching the skin, associate sensitivity happens manufacturing any variety of symptoms like liquid nose, watery eyes, sneezing, asthmatic and skin irritations. Sensitivity will vary from barely noticeable to life threatening. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: xpressmedcare


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Allergy Testing and Treatment

Allergy Testing and Treatment ht t p/ / w w w
.xpr essm edcar / pat ient -ser vices/
aller gy-t est ing-and-t r eat m ent /
Allergies are a unit caused by t he body's syst
em m isclassifying harm less subst ances as doubt
less dangerous. once t he body com es in realit y
w it h t he subst ance eit her by ingest ing,
breat hing or touching t he skin, associat e
sensit ivit y happens m anufact uring any variety
of sym pt om s like liquid nose, w at ery eyes,
sneezing, ast hm at ic and skin irrit at ions.
Sensit ivit y w ill vary from barely not iceable
t o life t hreat ening. Pollens are a unit t he
forem ost com m on cause for allergic react ion
sym pt om s follow ed by Anim al dander. M ud m
it es and bug bit es area unit successive com m
onest and m ould rounds out t he highest five com
m onest allergic react ion t riggers w it hin t
he United States Det erm ining a pat ient 's
allergies isn't difficult skin t est s area
unit t he foremost com m on m et hodology of
testing for allergies. Skin t est s involve sw
ing t erribly t iny am ount s of allergens on t
he skin t he body can answ er t he allergens t
he individual is allergic t o. Wit h t he result
s of t he diagnost ic t est , t he allergist / im
m unologist w ill discuss treatment choices obt
ainable for t he pat ient . People w it h
delicat e allergies could realize t hat over t he
counter allergic react ion m edicat ions area
unit enough t o handle t he sym pt om s. People w
it h a lot of annoying cases m ight w ant t o do
prescript ion allergic react ion m edicat ion or
get a lot of doubt less perm anent resolut ion w
it h t herapy (allergy shot s) Allergy shot s
add an ident ical fashion as alt ernat ive im m
unizat ions t iny am ount s of t he subst ance
area unit int roduced t o t he body, t he body
over t im e get s accust om ed t he subst ance
and st ops react ing t o t hat . Allergic react
ion shot s area unit adm inist ered over t he
course of a couple of m ont hs (in som e cases
years, how ever it is t he solely treatment
present ly obt ainable t hat has t he pot ent ial
to produce long run relief from
allergies. Risks concerned in allergic react
ion t herapy area unit t erribly rare how ever m
ight em body hypersensit ivit y react ion t hat
can be life t hreat ening if not handled
properly. Allergic react ion shot s ought t o
solely be at a facilit y equipped w it h t he
required em ployees and inst rum ent at ion t o
handle such a risk ought t o it arise.
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