Title: Global Capital -Total Securitization
1Global Capital -Total Securitization
One-Stop Shop for Business Information
2 Summary
Total Securitization Credit Investment (TSCI)
is a real-time web-based news service with
coverage on the ABS, MBS, CMBS, CDO, CLO,
corporate loan, bond, secondary trading and
distressed debt markets. Widely read by hedge
funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, banks,
boutiques and institutional money managers, Total
Securitization Credit Investment is your
reliable source for breaking news, new strategies
and emerging trends in the securitization, loan,
bond and distressed debt markets. It also
includes news on investment strategies of pension
funds, foundations and endowments looking to
invest in the credit markets and provides
comprehensive coverage of buy- and sell-side
activity, new fund launches, new products, people
moves and more!
3Subscribers benefit from  Full access to
www.totalsecuritizationandcredit.com, the
mobile-friendly web-portal Daily email alerts
summarizing the days headlines. Customizable
breaking news email alerts. Choose the topics
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receive alerts of preference. Access to our
extensive archive of past articles and data.Â
Save time and money its your comprehensive
research tool! Full use of the indispensible
data section, including the
4- Event of Default Scorecard -Â Â Track which CDOs
have tripped into default. - Distressed Fund
Tracker -Â Â Find out which companies are raising
funds to invest in distressed corporate and
structured debt. - Regulatory Fund Tracker - Â
Stay on top of regulatory developments affecting
securitization. - Â - League Tables -Â Â Quarterly league tables
provided by Dealogic. - By the Numbers Weekly
market commentary provided by Markit. Â - TALF
Tracker - Use this handy chart to see which firms
have launched or are launching TALF funds. With
all of this at your fingertips, youll be able to
react faster to market developments, exploit more
opportunities and make more informed decisions.
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6Custom Research
- Incase the reports dont match your requirement
then we can do a Custom Research for you. Our
multifarious capabilities, cross-sector expertise
and detailed knowledge of various markets, put us
at a unique position to take up Custom Research
demands of yours. We provide the specifications
of the custom research job to a dedicated team
comprising of researchers, analysts and industry
experts, who have close experience and
understanding of global markets, competitive
landscapes, various business models, market
shares, drivers, restraints and benchmarks.
7- To know more
- Global Capital -Total Securitization
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