Title: Santa on Picture
1Welcome To Santa On Picture
2About Us
Santa on Picture is an online image editing site,
here user can upload their own image and can
design their own Christmas card by following some
easiest step". We are here to fulfill all your
needs related to your Christmas cards. To Make
them more professional with our innovative ideas.
3 How It Works
- Process of generating designs on your picture is
quite simple. Just upload the picture and add
clip arts and pictures then preview your design
if you think your designing part is done then
send a copy of your design to your email. For
more info find our link to our webpage.
4Design your gift
- Do you feel like you are bored with old
Christmas gift ideas? Let's create something
unique on this Christmas. Upload image and design
a gift card with Santa on Picture.
5How to add clip art to my photo?
- First of all you need to click on Click Here To
Start button on pages header and after that you
need to upload your photo, then you will select
Hat from left sidebar images collection and pick
the hat and drag on your photo and place hat on
right location. Preview it to check out if your
work is done or not. Then email it to your email
address. Find out more info on our webpage.
6 Thank You!!