Title: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Industry to 2023
1EpiCast Report Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Epidemiology Forecast to 2023
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- Published May 2014
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2EpiCast Report Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Epidemiology Forecast to 2023
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often
referred to as Lou Gehrigs Disease, is a rare,
but fatal, progressive neurodegenerative disease
that affects the nerve cells in the brain and the
spinal cord. ALS severely impacts physical
functioning and initially presents with muscle
twitching, weakness in an arm or leg, or with
slurring of speech. Eventually, people with ALS
lose their ability to control the muscles needed
to move, speak, eat, and breathe, which
ultimately leads to death. The progressively
degenerative course of the condition is a great
burden for both patients and caregivers, as well
as for society. - Researcher epidemiologists forecast that the
diagnosed prevalent cases of ALS in the 7MM will
grow by 13.5 over the next decade, from 32,698
diagnosed prevalent cases in 2013 to 37,122
diagnosed prevalent cases in 2023. Throughout the
forecast period, the US will have the highest
numbers of diagnosed prevalent cases of ALS,
followed by Japan. - Inquire about this report at http//www.marketopti
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3EpiCast Report Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Epidemiology Forecast to 2023
- To develop the epidemiological forecast for the
diagnosed prevalent cases of ALS in the 7MM,
Researcher epidemiologists obtained the diagnosed
prevalence data for ALS from peer-reviewed
journals and population-based studies in the
respective markets and used a consistent
methodology to ensure comparability of the
results. A major strength of Researchers
epidemiological analysis is the use of
country-specific studies that provided the
diagnosed prevalence of ALS using uniform
diagnostic criteria based on the El Escorial
criteria or the International Classification of
Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9), criteria (ICD-9
code for ALS 335.2), to allow for a meaningful
comparison of the diagnosed prevalent cases of
ALS in these markets. Furthermore, the diagnosed
prevalent cases of ALS in each of the 7MM were
further segmented by age and sex in order to
provide a more detailed analysis of the patient
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4EpiCast Report Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Epidemiology Forecast to 2023
- Scope
- The Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) EpiCast
Report provides an overview of the risk factors,
comorbidities, and the global and historical
trends for ALS in the seven major markets (7MM)
(US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, and
Japan). It includes a 10-year epidemiological
forecast for the diagnosed prevalent cases of ALS
segmented by age (40 years) and sex in these
markets. - The ALS epidemiology report is written and
developed by Mastersand PhD-level
epidemiologists. - The EpiCast Report is in-depth, high quality,
transparent and market-driven, providing expert
analysis of disease trends in the 7MM. - Get a detailed report at http//www.marketoptimiz
s-epidemiology-forecast-to-2023.html .
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5EpiCast Report Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Epidemiology Forecast to 2023
- Reasons to buy
- Develop business strategies by understanding the
trends shaping and driving the global ALS market. - Quantify patient populations in the global ALS
market to improve product design, pricing, and
launch plans. - Organize sales and marketing efforts by
identifying the sex and age groups that present
the best opportunities for ALS therapeutics in
each of the markets covered. -
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