Title: Key things to know that help scale your business
Self-made Millionaires and High-level
Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business Key
things to know that help Scale your Business by
Travis Lane Jenkins and Jeffrey Zurofsky
2Fell in Love with Cooking
3End up in Culinary school
4Want to build the business on the
entrepreneurial side
5Joined with partners in the business
6Considering different kinds of strategies
7We make a lot of mistakes along the way
8I reach out to people with their opinions
9From athlete to being a chef
10Process-driven thing closed to perfecting a
11A big difference with a chef and a line cook
12The chef do the thinking
13The personality in the kitchen comes from the chef
14Spend a lot of my time in all aspects of the
15What decisions to be made in the next 10 years
16What are the key elements to scale a business?
17The most important one is people
18People who are dedicated to their work
19The next one is culture
20How do you make decisions together as a group
214 Questions to ask before moving on a decision
22Start with profitability questions not the
scalable questions
23The culture is important before thinking on how
to run a business
24Get a board of advisers
25Have an operating partner
26Theres no exact formula for everybody
27How do you get good people?
28Getting clear with your mission
29Having people focus on the mission
30People who understands, This is how we do
31Culture is the personality of the business
32In evaluating I do a lot of reflecting
33Spend a lot of time in observing things
34Decide how to run a business
35People are much engage in helping people
36What kind of stuffs do I not know which could
be catastrophic to my business?
37A lot of entrepreneurs dont like to hear what
they should be doing
38From farm to table
39We want to bring foods that chefs are making to
a larger audiences.
40The principle of how we source food and how we
make food..
41We support 250 farmers
42For us, it is about being chefs first.
43Its about using whats most available
44Its about the middle men and going back to our
45Creating extreme high value
46Consumers noticed when the sandwiches are
getting smaller
47Its a word of mouth business
48Technology or social media has tremendous power
Self-made Millionaires High-level
Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business a
production of Rock Star Entrepreneur
Network www.rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com