Title: What is NBN ?
1What is NBN ???
It is first ever open access communication
network in Australia which is being established
to provide fast speed broadband and telephone
services in each every corner of Australia.
2Why is NBN better ???
As the number of devices and applications that
use internet, are increasing rapidly, so the
National Broadband Network (NBN) is helping
Australian to access high speed internet without
worrying about the location of the user.
3NBNs Benefits for Users
As Users, you will be able to have access of
super fast speed broadband internet along with
telephone lines regardless of the geographic
location of the user in Australia.
4NBNs Benefits for Telcos
As Telecom Companies (i.e. Telcos), it will
easier for the companies to reach their
prospective customers easily.
5For more information
24 / 4a Bachell Ave, Lidcombe NSW 2141
1800 883 532