Title: Talygen Expense Tracker Software
1(No Transcript)
2Company Overview
- Founded in 2009
- Leader in Business Management Automation
- Fully Web based
- Mobile apps available for iOS, Android, Windows
Phone and Blackberry - Desktop Auditing Apps available in Windows, Mac
OS and Linux - Available in 46 languages worldwide
3What is Online Expense Tracker?
- Expense tracking is quintessential for generating
a company's accurate financial statement. - Talygen's business expense tracker allows
employees to log expenses incurred on specific
projects. - Company Administrators and Project Managers can
import various expenditure details entered by
different users for various project-related tasks
in a single "Bulk Expense" Excel file. - With online expense tracker, Talygen is
simplifying the approval process. - This feature helps keep project's cost within
4Online Expense Tracker Benefits
- User can report expenses incurred during
different project related trips and get them
reimbursed. - The expenses help in calculating the profits from
a project. - Reimbursement of expenses by client or company.
- Limit the expense category for a project to avoid
loses. - Monitor day to day expense limits by defining per
day expense limits.
5Key Features..
Upload Bulk Expense
Track The Expense
Expense Limit
6Download App for Smartphones
7Talygen App for Desktops
8Talygen Inc. Address 228 Hamilton Ave
3rd Floor, Palo Alto, CA
94301 Phone 650-800-3850 Email
ID info_at_talygen.com
9Track your Expenses more easily