Title: Follow Igor Purlantov to Learn How to Succeed
1Follow Igor Purlantov to Learn How to Succeed
- Igor Purlantov is a man with many entrepreneurial
dimensions. He is one of the most promising
entrepreneurs from Eastern Europe in real estate
and telecom at his age. Although he has scaled up
great heights as an entrepreneur already in his
career, he is still under 40 and has a lot more
ahead of him. It is sometimes hard to believe
what can be achieved by someone at such a young
age until you follow the career path of Igor
2- He is a man of great premonition, although he is
far from being an astrologer. His ability to
forecast business trends and cycles is due in
large part to his willingness and ability to read
and learn from others. He is constantly
surrounding himself with knowledge and
information from experts in various industries
and sectors that are of interest to him. - He is also a man of great character and
determination. It was this determination that
led him to invest in Las Vegas real estate as
early as 2000 in Las Vegas when few investors
were paying attention to the market. Likewise, he
was also one of the first to invest in second
generation telecom in Eastern Europe in 2008 long
before investors were paying attention to that
sector or market. His predictions in these two
sectors came to fruition, much to the surprise of
many market experts, thanks in large part to his
deep knowledge and understanding of market trends
and cycles. It was also his business acumen that
won him many international accolades and awards
including the CIS International Entrepreneurship
award in 2011, he AIM Top 100 Balkan Portfolio
Managers award in 2011, the Balkan 40 Under 40
award the same year and the AIM Top 200 Fund
Managers CIS in 2010 and 2011.
3The true story and passion behind Igor Purlantov
can be found in the Spartacus Foundation. Named
after his beloved cat that lived to be only 3
years old, the foundation provides charitable
services and donations to various animal
charities and shelters across the United States
and Europe. As the founder and CEO, Igor is
passionate about raising awareness for the
ethical treatment of animals worldwide, thereby
making our planet a better place for both humans
and animals alike.