Title: Steel Pier Foundation Repair | TX Solid Rock
1About Solid Rock Foundation Repair Solid Rock
Foundation Repair was founded by Chris Hingst,
who has almost 20 years experience, and Craig
Sneed, a former 12th Group Special Forces
Demolition Sergeant for the Green Berets, who has
more than 13 years of experience. There is
nothing more important to Solid Rock than
repairing your homes foundation problems
correctly and ensuring the highest quality while
doing so. It is your house and it is crucial to
select the right foundation repair company to
make sure your home is leveled and repaired
correctly. We price our piers competitively and
work hard to make sure that our customers receive
superior foundation repair at an affordable
price, in a timely manner, and with a friendly,
customer service attitude.
- Solid Rock is your Foundation Repair Expert
- We service the entire Dallas/Fort Worth
Metroplex. If youd like to schedule a
professional, no-cost estimate for a home that
needs repair or for an ongoing maintenance
program, please call us at (817) 400-7625.
Remember, preventative measures can help you save
a lot of money in the future! - As Foundation Repair Experts, We Specialize in
- Concrete Piers
- Steel Piers
- Hybrid Piers
- Pier Beam
- Root Barriers
- Drainage
- Foundation Inspections
3Steel Pier Foundation Repair
- When evaluating steel pier foundation repair vs.
concrete pier foundation repair, you want the
highest quality materials available. - Solid Rock Foundation Repair uses the patented
ECP Steel Pier. This pier belongs to a family of
patented foundation repair products that are
sometimes referred to as micro piles, push piers,
or resistance piers. The patented ECP Steel Pier
is the standard for all piering methods in the
foundation repair industry and the top choice for
professional foundation repair. - Steel Pier Benefits
- Quickly installed
- Installs in areas with limited access
- Little or no disturbance to the site
- Easily load tested to verify capacity
- Can be loaded immediately after installation
- All weather installation
- Easy to re-adjust if needed
4Contact us
TX Solid Rock Foundation Repair 210 F Valley
LaneKennedale, TX 76060www.txsolidrock.com P
(817) 400-7625F (817) 704-4502Lead Project
Manager Chris Hingst Project Manager/Lead
Estimator Craig SneedEstimator Cookie
ArmendarezOffice Manager Mary Walton