Title: Wrought Iron Guard Rail Inland Empire
1Prorailing Metal Works Wrought Iron Guard Rail
Wrought iron is an iron alloy with a very low
carbon (0.1 to 0.25) content in contrast to
cast iron (2.1 to 4), and has fibrous
inclusions known as slag up to 2 by weight. It
is a semi-fused mass of iron with slag inclusions
which gives it a "grain" resembling wood, that is
visible when it is etched or bent to the point of
failure. Wrought iron is tough, malleable,
ductile and easily welded. Before the development
of effective methods of steelmaking and the
availability of large quantities of steel,
wrought iron was the most common form of
malleable iron.
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2Prorailing Metal Works Wrought Iron Guard Rail
A modest amount of wrought iron was used as a raw
material for refining into steel, which was used
mainly to produce swords, cutlery, chisels, axes
and other edged tools as well as springs and
files. The demand for wrought iron reached its
peak in the 1860s with the adaptation of ironclad
warships and railways, but then declined as mild
steel quality problems such as brittleness were
solved and it became inexpensive and widely
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3Prorailing Metal Works Wrought Iron Guard Rail
The word "wrought" is an archaic past participle
of the verb "to work," and so "wrought iron"
literally means "worked iron". Wrought iron is a
general term for the commodity, but is also used
more specifically for finished iron goods, as
manufactured by a blacksmith or other smith. It
was used in that narrower sense in British
Customs records, such manufactured iron being
subject to a higher rate of duty than what might
be called "unwrought" iron. Cast iron, unlike
wrought iron, is brittle and cannot be worked
either hot or cold. Cast iron can break if struck
with a hammer.
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4Prorailing Metal Works Wrought Iron Guard Rail
Guard rail or guardrail, sometimes referred to as
guide rail or railing, is a system designed to
keep people or vehicles from (in most cases
unintentionally) straying into dangerous or
off-limits areas. A handrail is less
restrictive than a guard rail and provides both
support and the protective limitation of a
boundary. Guard rails in buildings are numerous,
and are required by building codes in many
circumstances. Guard rails along stairways are
common, and catwalks and balconies are also lined
with them.
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5Prorailing Metal Works Wrought Iron Guard Rail
Other guard rail construction options are
available. Cable railings typically use stainless
steel cables strung horizontally. Glass balusters
and glass panels open the view while still
providing safety, as at the Grand Canyon Skywalk.
With the increasing popularity of composite
lumber for decking, manufacturers, like
Prorailing Metal Works are providing composite
railing components. Wrought iron is another
choice that is traditional and sturdy.
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