Title: dashmesh academy
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2DASHMESH ACADEMY, since its starting in 1996, has
progressed by way of its Quality Education,
Training and Coaching students for various
courses. By now no. of students , including state
toppers and Rankers, who succeeded through, our
Institute feel proud of their association with
us. Institute's motto to impart education with
wider horizon, to masses with affordable fees
structures based on regional and economical
considerations, has inspired us to cover many
courses. At present dashmesh academy is guiding
students at different levels for various
courses. The Institute will do the best possible,
to contribute for the development in education
3 Our Mission Our Roadmap starts with our
mission, which is enduring. The aim is to be the
most preferred coaching institute of the India
and to create an education platform for the
students to help them prepare for entrance exams
for career in science(medical and engineering )
and other streams. This would be done by
providing specialized coaching, guidance and
motivation to excel in their performance. we want
to inspire moments of optimism and
happiness. Our Vision Our vision serves as the
framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect
of our institute. We are committed to providing
world class, quality education providing
institute that would put on track the careers of
students in the fields of medical and engineering
by providing thorough knowledge and extending pre
and post examination support to them. We envision
the institute network to go beyond the boundaries
of the home town to reach out to deserving
students in small towns .
4Directors Profile
- Mr . Virender Gupta
- Managing Director, DASHMESH ACADEMY
- He is the founder for dashmesh academy and is
actively involved in building dashmesh academy
with unique approach involving personalized
service that delivers unbounded value. - He has successfully combined his collective
experiences in diverse fields to strategize, plan
and effectively implement sustainable learning
models and his passion for quality coaching has
created new horizon in education. - He has shaped the future of institute through his
continuous thirst for challenging 'Education
beyond Boundarie's. He has over the years - brick
by brick - built a vibrant education support base
through "knowledge base" initiatives and a
student oriented service delivery platform.
5If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain.
If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow
people. Ancient Chinese Proverb
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7OUR Academic System
- DASHMESH ACADEMY Over the years, has been able to
garner a loyal following among its students and
their families, who swear by institute s
superlative and unparalleled products and
services. - Our commitment to always deliver the best and to
deliver more than expected has won us our
reputation of being the BEST. The salient
features of our products which make us the BEST
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Through orientation it is intended to inculcate
in young Learners the quality of
self-reliance . Orientation helps to learn how
to be successful.
10Classroom Session
The purpose of the classroom is to provide
instruction about a specific topic. classroom
enables a learner to experience support from
peers and teachers. This gives a sense of
encouragement and belonging to the student,
allowing them to learn things properly.
A good teacher knows how to bring out the best
in students
- We adhere to the most rigorous instructor
standards. Prior to receiving class assignments,
our instructors have to successfully complete an
extensive training program in which they need to
demonstrate strategies and techniques. It is
mandatory for all faculty members to take the
exams themselves in simulated way . This ensures
that each faculty member is in perfectly
synchronised with the exam pattern and the
associated time constraints, which in turn,
enables each faculty member to give the best
possible guidance to students regarding
preparation and time management techniques.
12Study Material
- Our study material is comprehensive and
exhaustive . Our material ensures that students
are more than adequately prepared for the exams. - Practice material and assignments for daily
practice to encourage students to discover gap
in their knowledge and to ensure progress in
13Periodic Test Result
We have prepared full length tests which
students can practice . Taking a test permits
students to assess what they know and what they
do not know, so that they can concentrate study
efforts on areas in which their knowledge is
14 Personal and Customized Assistance
When our students find themselves stuck with a
particular question, they do not have to wait
until their next class to get help. Personal
assistance from the concerned faculty is
available all the time.
15Extracurricular Participation and Student
we believe in relevant education as well as
meaningful learning whereby our students develop
their potentialities and become globally
16Student participation in social welfare
activities stressed
Our students have regularly achieved high scores.
Selections at Dashmesh Academy are not
exceptions but the norm. Also, our strong
counselling and motivation has ensured students
admissions in all top institutes in India. To
illustrate more about our success stories
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24Contact us _at_ We appreciate your time and
attention Dashmesh academy Email
virdash_at_yahoo.com Website www.dashmesh