Guilt vs. Conviction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Guilt vs. Conviction


CO 2701 Lecture – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Guilt vs. Conviction

BC 421
  • McGee Chapters 11-12
  • Steps 11-12
  • Easter Week 2014

Parable of the Sower
Fear of Failure Justification
  • False Belief 1 I must meet certain standards to
    feel good about myself
  • Result Fear of failure, perfectionism, drive to
    succeed, manipulation, withdrawal from healthy
  • Gods Solution Justification I am completely
    forgiven and fully pleasing to God. I no longer
    have to fear failure
  • Results Increasing freedom from fear of failure,
    desire to pursue the right things, Christ and His
    kingdom, love for Christ.

Approval Addicts Reconciliation
  • False Belief 2 I must be approved by others to
    feel good about myself
  • Result Fear of rejection, attempts to please
    others at any cost, overly sensitive to
    criticism, withdrawal from others to avoid
  • Gods Solution Reconciliation I am totally
    accepted by god. I no longer have to fear
  • Results Increasing freedom from fear of
    rejection, willingness to be open and vulnerable,
    able to relax around others, willingness to take
    criticism, desire to please God no matter what
    others think.

Fear of Failure Propitiation
  • False Belief 3 those who fail are unworthy of
    love and deserve to be punished
  • Results fear of punishment, propensity to punish
    others, blaming self and others for personal
    failure, withdrawal from God and fellow
    believers, drive to avoid punishment.
  • Gods Solution Propitiation means I am deeply
    loved by God. I no longer have to fear punishment
    or punish others.
  • Results Increasing freedom from the fear of
    punishment, patience and kindness, quick to apply
    forgiveness, deep love for Christ.

Shame Regeneration
  • False Belief 4 I am what I am. I cannot change
    I am hopeless
  • Results Feelings of shame, hopelessness, and
    inferiority, passivity, loss of creativity,
    isolation, withdrawal from others
  • Gods Solution Regeneration means I have been
    made brand new, complete in Christ. I no longer
    need to experience the pain of shame
  • Results Christ centered self confidence, joy,
    courage, peace, desire to know Christ.

Potential Blockages
  • We have wrong motives
  • We are too mechanical or regimented
  • We are too mystical
  • We lack knowledge about Christs love and power
  • We are harboring sin

More blockages
  • We confuse guilt with conviction
  • Turn conviction into condemnation
  • Dont recognize the root of sins
  • Refuse to confess

What Blockages Hinder You?
  • http//

Assessing Where People Are
  • Saved?
  • Secure in their salvation?
  • Ever been loved or felt accepted by anyone,
    including God?
  • Died with Christ?
  • Risen with Christ?
  • Know what surrender means?
  • Know their fleshly living patterns?
  • Know the difference between oppression and
  • Is restitution needed?

Other impediments to victory
  • Resentment or unforgiveness
  • Fear
  • Sinful alliances
  • Expecting betrayal?
  • Lack of faith
  • Avoidant coping skills
  • Lack of prayer
  • Lack of fellowship
  • Lack of ability to follow
  • Fear of losing control
  • New in Christ

Read John
  • 1416-17 Why do you need a Helper?
  • What does John 1426 say about the Holy Spirit as
  • How about John 1613?

The Holy Spirit
  • 1 Cor 211-13 says what?
  • How does He use Scripture (2 Tim 316-17)?
  • John 168-11 tells us
  • What does it mean to be convicted?
  • What is the purpose of conviction?

What is confession?
  • See 1 John 19
  • Does confession make you forgiven?

Read John 15 1-8
  • How does a branch produce fruit?
  • What would spiritual fruit look like?
  • How does God prune us?
  • What prevents a branch from producing fruit?
  • What prevents your growth?

Read John 737-39
  • What does it mean to drink of Christ?
  • In what ways are you thirsty for Him?
  • What do rivers of living water symbolize?
  • What does it mean that they flow from your
    innermost being?
  • http//

  • Hosea 66 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and
    acknowledgment of God rather than burnt
  • Jesus referred to this twice in Matthew. To
    mention it twice it must have been a pretty
    important passage.
  • Matt 913But go and learn what this means I
    desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come
    to call the righteous, but sinners.
  • Matt 127 If you had known what these words
    mean, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would
    not have condemned the innocent.

Definitions of Guilt
  • Freud fear of losing social esteem
  • Adler a refusal to accept ones inferiority
  • True guilt vs. false guilt
  •  Legally evidence of motive, means, opportunity,
    and consciousness of guilt along with evidence
    that an opportunity was actually acted upon by
    the defendant charged
  • Survivor guilt-why did I survive and they did not?

  • I was tormented with guilt for years and years.
    In fact, it was so bad that if I didn't feel
    wrong, I didn't feel right! (Joyce Meyers)
  • Every man is guilty of all the good he did not
    do. ? Voltaire
  • Dont live in the past unless you like guilt, or
    in the future unless you like fear.
  • Guilt the gift that keeps on giving (Erma

For Christ followers
  • Romans 81 says, there is therefore now no
    condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
  • Conviction vs. Guilt

Guilt vs. conviction
  • Guilt
  • Conviction
  • The state of being condemned
  • A sinners loss of self-esteem and wounded pride
  • Fear of punishment
  • Satan is the agent of guilt
  • Leads to depression and more sin
  • Focuses on the behavior
  • Loss of our moment by moment communication with
  • Fear of the destructiveness of the act itself
  • The Holy Spirit is the agent of conviction
  • Leads to repentance and a closer walk with Christ

Guilt vs. Conviction
  • Guilt
  • Conviction
  • Leads to alienation, shame, and separation from
    the person you wronged
  • Depression, bitterness, and self-pity
  • Leads to restoration when we respond, and a
    desire to make amends
  • Comfort, forgiveness

  • Can mortal man be in the right before God? Can a
    man be pure before his Maker? Job 417
  • He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for
    ours only but also for the sins of the whole
    world. 1 John 22
  • http//

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