Title: Skydiving near Detroit - Midwest Freefall
2Midwest Freefall Sport Parachute Club (SPC), Inc.
is a Michigan Non-Profit entity that exists
solely for the promotion and enjoyment of
Skydiving and Sport Parachuting.
3Our passion is to please! We want to deliver the
greatest experience life has to offer in a safe
and no-pressure environment. Read what our guests
have to say about the Midwest Freefall experience!
4We are situated on our own private airport, and
we invite you to come skydive over beautiful
Macomb County. We feature carpeted indoor
packing, plenty of family-friendly space to
lounge between loads, free Wi-Fi, flat screen
monitor for video review, camping, and full
sanitary facilities.
5Want to know what's going on? You've come to the
right place - the official events page for all
things happening at Midwest Freefall skydiving!
6Midwest Freefall uses the best possible equipment
available to the skydiving industry. Safety is
our biggest priority and our continuous
investment and upgrades to equipment is of
paramount importance to us.
7Take a stylish ride to altitude in our new
Kodiak. This aircraft is a beauty and gets all of
our jumpers to a jump altitude of 13,000 feet in
under 20 minutes.
8Visit some of the outstanding local attractions,
hotels and restaurants near the dropzone. We
support local business and regularly stay, eat or
play in these nearby places!
9Your first skydive is going to be in your top
five...first kiss, first child, marriage and your
skydive! This is an event you will never forget!
Picture yourself at 13,000 feet at the door of an
airplane and looking out on the horizon. Your
heart is racing a million miles an hour, but
you're about to be free! Your instructor calls
out "Ready, Set, GO!"
10Meet the amazing staff of MIdwest Freefall! Our
staff are our greatest asset and they will give
you the adventure of a lifetime!
11Contact us
- 62912 Kunstman RdRay, MI 48096
- Phone- 586-752-5867
- Email-
- skydive_at_midwestfreefall.com
- Website-
- www.midwestfreefall.com