1Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
2Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
Part time job, willing to deliver and pickup
packages? Need extra income but lacks of idea on
how to start from searching for a job? Living
in Bentoville Ar? What are you waiting for? Apply
now and be part of our team.
3Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
Nowadays, everyone is looking for an extra
income that will satisfy their needs. Most of
individual needs to earn money for bills,
tuitions and so on and so forth. That's why, when
it comes from extra income, it's either small
business or a part time job. Part time jobs are
those that require you to work 35 hours, or under
a pre-determined amount of hours set by an
employer, or less in a given week. Part time
workers can be anyone students, parents, people
seeking full time employment, or people who dont
want or need the time commitment of a full time
4Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
Crowd To Go is company that will suit to your
schedule specially for student or any regular
employee that needs extra income. Your time and
availability is our priority. For more
information about our company, service and have
an idea what will be your role in our team, here
are some info.
Crowd to go is a crowd delivery services, or
Crowd-sourcing delivery service in which the
deliverable are to be delivered with some person
who has free time, willing to deliver and wants
to earn extra money.
5Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
In addition, Crowd to go is geared towards
a crowd-based delivery service and because it is
a crowd-based, the people who will be involved in
our team will be called a Crowdie. These are
just common people, it's either a student or a
part time employee, that mostly have their
smartphones and willing to deliver packages. The
crowdie will receive a notification or alert that
theres a package to be delivered and the first
one to respond on this alert, he/she will be the
one to deliver the package to the customer.
Simply amazing!
6Part time jobs in Bentonville AR
Crowd To Go in Bentoville Ar, our main goal is a
good service with our loyal team members
(Crowdie) and also give priority for their extra
income specially when they need extra money for
tuition fees for school works, financial supports
or for self purposes. We all know that Part time
job is very in demands nowadays, that's why we
are here to give you a chance to earn an extra
income and an experience to come up for this
opportunity.Searching or thinking right now to
have a unique part time job in Bentoville Ar and
earned money, then Crowd to Go is the right
choice for you. If you think youre responsible
enough, reliable and well-discipline mankind then
you deserve to be called Crowdie, well that's
great!Don't try to miss this kind of
opportunity, be part of our team, just visit our
site and sign up for free.
7Thank you!