Title: High Frequency Trading is Highly Beneficial
1High Frequency Trading is Highly Beneficial
- Presented by Lavleen Goyal Eric Lepouchard
2What is HFT?
- Primary form of Algorithmic Trading
- Use of sophisticated technological tools and
computer algorithms to rapidly trade securities
San Francisco design firm Stamen teamed up with
Nasdaq to visualize the frenzy of automated
trading. This is one minute of bids and offers on
March 8, 2011
3Decision Criteria for Investors
Main Street is the great beneficiary () We are
better off with high-frequency trading than we
are without it. Jack Bogle, Vanguard founder
4Improved Bid-Ask Spread
Bid-ask spreads have fallen by an order of
magnitude since 2004, from around 0.023 to 0.002
percentage points. On this metric, market
liquidity and efficiency appear to have improved.
HFT has greased the wheels of modern finance -
5Reduced Transaction Costs
U.S. regulators are unlikely to put rules in
place that would harm high-frequency trading
(HFT) as doing so would make trading more
difficult and expensive for all investors -
Robert Greifeld CEO, Nasdaq OMX Group
6Increase in Liquidity
High frequency trading is introducing an
outstanding level of volume to the market -
7Does NOT affect Volatility
Algorithms and high frequency trading do not
affect price volatility - Futures Industry
8Myth 1 HFT is Too Dangerous
9HFT is Human Progress
- Financial Technology evolved from Pigeons to
Petabytes - Financial Data produced on a daily basis is
larger than the information contained in all
books on Earth - Peng Zhao
- Co-head of Quantitative Strategies
- Citadel Investment Group
Tech Specs from the Financial Industry are the
stuff of Science Fiction Senior
Executive Ericsson America
10Myth 2 HFT is Front Running
High-frequency trading is a growing cancer that
needs to be addressed. Charles Schwab, chairman
of Charles Schwab Corp.
- Front Running the unethical practice of a broker
trading an equity based on information from the
analyst department before his or her clients have
been given the information.
11HFT Is Fair and Efficient
- HFT firms are small shops with no client, they
typically trade with their own money, they cannot
front run anyone - HFT firms trade based on public information
making market more efficient - By reducing spreads, HFT firms take profits away
from traditional brokerage firms, reducing costs
12Myth 3 HFT needs Regulation
- Tax, make that a little bit more expensive and I
think you will get rid of that white noise - Sheila Bair, Former Chairperson FDIC
The capital markets are a public good, much like
a highway () We need to have clear rules about
the speed limits and who can use the HOV
lanes. Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.)
The market is rigged Michael Lewis, Flash Boys
13Their True Colors?
- There should be a lifetime ban on regulators
working for financial institutions they have
regulated - Sheila Bair, Board Member of Banco Santander
Michael Lewis clearly misses the fun and glory
of the trading floor during its years of excess
when he was a trainee at Salomon Brothers Manoj
Narang, Tradeworx
14HFT is Highly Beneficial
- HFT Benefits investors
- Better execution price
- Lower transaction costs
- Increase Liquidity
- HFT does not affect market volatility
- HFT is Progress in the Financial Industry
- HFT is Fair and Efficient
- Most talk of HFT regulation is ill-advised
15Why Liquidity Matters
- Financial crisis 2008
- Interbank lending market collapsed due to
counterparty risks - Credit markets froze, liquidity disappeared
- In 2008, TED spread dramatically widened due to
lack of liquidity - In general, liquidity affect prices and market