Title: Diwali Trivia
1Diwali Trivia
2What is Diwali also known as?
3On this Diwali day, Krishna had killed a demon
whose name was
4Which City in Texas became the first city in the
US to officially sponsor Diwali Celebration?
- Started in 2009, Celebration even includes
Fireworks sponsored by the city
5Unlike the rest of India, Tamilians burst
crackers at what time of the day?
6What is the first day of the Diwali Festival?
- On Dhanteras Goddess Laxmi is worshiped to
provide prosperity and well-being
7In which way do people celebrate Diwali?
- By throwing water on each other
8There is no public holiday for Diwali in which of
the following countries?
9With which puja is Diwali associated with?
- On the evening of Diwali, people open their doors
and windows to welcome Goddess Laxmi, and
place diya lights on their windowsills and
balcony ledges to invite her in
10In Diwali, which Goddess is worshiped in Eastern
India ?
11Which US President was the first to attend Diwali
Celebrations at the White House?
12Which Indian Ethnic Group celebrates new year on
Diwali day?
13Gujaratis celebrate the second day of Kartik
month as
- According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna
visited his sister Subhadra on this day who gave
him a warm welcome with sweets and flowers
14For many Indians, Diwali is also the start of
15Which Movie is this Diwali Song from?