Title: Kislay Pandey-An Advocate Of Remarkable Capabilities (1)
1An Advocate Of Remarkable Capabilities Kislay
2An Advocate Of Remarkable Capabilities Kislay
In this era of the contemporary Indian society,
advocates and lawyers of genuine skills are hard
to find. Ina society of evident corruption, trust
remains the most risky factor while dealing with
legal matters. In such a situation, Kislay Pandey
remains a name who is among the most trusted
advocates not only in Delhi but in the entire
country. Advocacy for Kislay Pandey is the
foremost priority professionally. It is
undoubtedly the most appreciated virtue of Kislay
Pandey to serve his clients without any
biasedness. Clients all over the country have
been more than satisfied with Kislay Pandeys
advocacy in diverse matters. An advocate by
profession, Kislay Pandey also takes keen
interest in serving and supporting the society in
matters of need. It would not be wrong tp call
Kislay Pandey an advocate and a social worker as
3An Advocate Of Remarkable Capabilities Kislay
His objectives in life have also been towards the
upliftment of the marginalized communities of the
society in all ways possible. If the best
advocates in Delhi are named, Kislay Pandeys
mention would be always present. His services to
his clients are unostentatious. The interests of
his clients are his best interests and these
frame the very purpose of his life. Kislay
Pandey runs an NGO named INFOVA Foundation. In
the professional front, Kislay Pandey is an
advocate, International layer at American Bar
Association and an advocate at the Supreme Court
of India. An alumnus of International Business
Management at Lancaster University, United
Kingdom, Kislay Pandey currently resides in New
4An Advocate Of Remarkable Capabilities Kislay
I am MR. S Dey, a student of LLB at Campus Law
Center, University of Delhi. Attending various
lectures and reading various work of Kislay
Pandey, I am bound to appreciate his contribution
as an excellent advocate of the country. His
presence in the judicial system is
unavoidable. Kislay Pandey Blog -