Title: Sukrit Agrawal: Founder of American Medical Depotl
1Sukrit Agrawal Founder of American Medical Depot
Sukrit Agrawal is currently serving as the Chief
Executive Officer and co founder of American
Medical Depot, which is a mid sized healthcare
company that specializes in supply chain
management. Sukrit Agrawal co founded American
Medical Depot with his brother in 1993 in
Miramar, Florida. He also serves as the managing
director of AMD Equities, a healthcare investment
fund. Sukrit Agrawal co founded American Medical
Depot with his brother in 1993 in Miramar,
Florida. He also serves as the managing director
of AMD Equities, a healthcare investment fund.
2Managing Director
Sukrit Agrawal is a highly qualified, highly
educated business professional currently working
within the field of healthcare and distribution.
He currently serves as the Chief Executive
Officer and co founder of American Medical Depot
in Miramar, Florida. The company was founded in
1993, and it specializes in healthcare and supply
chain management. Sukrit Agrawal is also the
managing director for AMD Equities, a healthcare
investment fund.
3Sukrit Agrawal Family Oriented
Sukrit Agrawal is a highly successful business
professional who currently serves as the Chief
Executive Officer and co founder of American
Medical Depot. The company specializes in
healthcare and supply chain management. In
addition to his professional life, Sukrit Agrawal
is a successful family man. He enjoys spending
his free time with his family and friends in
Miami Beach, Florida.
4Sukrit Agrawal Healthcare Business
Sukrit Agrawal is a highly qualified business
professional who received his Master's degree in
business administration from Florida
International University in 1989. Prior to
pursuing his Master's in business administration,
Sukrit Agrawal received his Bachelor of Science
degree in electrical engineering from Duke
University in 1986. After working various
positions within the fields of banking and
government, he co founded American Medical Depot
with his brother in 1993.