Title: Animated Film Making
2DSKSIC - The Animation School
DSK Supinfocom is India's first and one of its
kind International Campus offering animated film
making professional courses.
3Course Structure
Head of studies at DSKSIC, India, Martin Ruyant
holds a Master of Arts in Animation from the
Royal College of Art in London and a Master of
Engineering in Film Digital Animation from
Supinfocom in France.
5Student work
Studios need qualified artists and technicians
- The most artistically inclined graduates are
sought after for project development and
pre-production. - The most technically inclined
graduates are sought after as technical directors
(TD's) in different fields. - Graduates willing
to work in large studios are recruited in the
asset creation branch (modeling, texturing,
preliminary lighting), as riggers, animators,
lighting Technical Directors 's, in the
pre-production department as concept artists,
story-boarders, layout artists, in the VFX branch
as digital painters, dynamics Technical
Directors's, or the compositing department.
7Contact us
DSK International Campus Survey 54,55,
Tarwadi, near Loni Toll naka, Pune-Solapur
road Pune - 412 308, Maharashtra, India Tel 91-
020- 66784300/10 info_at_dsksic.com
Regional Offices Regional Offices
New Delhi 316, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Avenue, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110 001, India. Tel 91- 11 - 41 60 49 90 Mumbai "DSK House", Veer Savarkar Marg (Cadel Road), Next to Mayor's Bungalow, Shivaji Park, Mumbai-400 028. India Tel 91- 22 - 24 46 64 46
Bengaluru Room Number 811, 8th floor, Prestige Meridian-1 , M.G.Road, Bangalore - 560001 Karnataka-India PH-0841753489/09964789713 Kolkata 617, Diamond Prestige, 41A, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700 020. Tel 91- 33 - 40 04 71 44 / 40 04 71 47