Title: What is Six Sigma
1Institute of Fundamentals in Quality (IFQ)
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
2Why are we here!
- Our experience about newly passed out
students/job - seekers goes like this..
- a. They are brilliant however lacks skills
- b. Short sighted
- c. Low aim
- d. Fear to compete
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
3Why are we here?
- Are we here to show the drawbacks of our
students? NO! - We are here to ..
- be their mentor
- Show them the right path
- Enhance their skills
- Provide them Quality Training
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
4Why are we here?
- Students of today are Engineers/Accountants/Teache
rs/ - IT professional of tomorrow.
- Can you tell me who among the following will be
- Selected in an interview?
- A degree holder or
- A degree holder with additional qualification
- Naturally the person with additional
qualification will - be selected.
- Software engineer with additional knowledge of
ERP/ - Hardware/software testing is preferred.
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
5What is our Mantra?
- Fundamentals of Quality is our Mantra!
- We believe that majority of our professional
problems can be solved using techniques of Total
Quality Management Lean Six Sigma Methodology
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
6Why Six Sigma?
- Why the products from SONY, APPLE, MERCEDES BENZ
- are called world class?
- The answer lies in the superior product quality
which is - variation/defect free!
- Produce goods/provide service of best quality
deliver - to Customer to fulfill his requirements is the
winning - mantra today!
- To know what is accepted as good quality in
market these are few examples of poor quality -
- missing Letters
- Delay in delivery of product
- Trains/Planes not reaching in time
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
7Six Sigma
- Sigma is the letter of the Greek
alphabet that represents a unit of measure of a
standard deviation in a population. - It measures the variance or the dispersion of
data. - 6 Sigma is a measure of variance.
- It is used to reduce the process variations to
the extent that the level of defects are
drastically reduced to less than 3.4 per million
process, product or service opportunities (DPMO).
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
8Lean Six Sigma Tools
Seven QC Tools
Team Building
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
9Why Lean Six Sigma?
- Improve Customer Satisfaction
- Quality Improvement
- Defects free Production/Service
- Improve Profit by reducing cost
- Increase Market share
- Team Building
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
10How to get this Knowledge?
We are here to empower students with the
knowledge of all these tools IFQ (Institute
of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune) has launched
various courses in the field of Six Sigma,
Lean Manufacturing TQM The trainers are six
sigma black belt holders with hands on
experience in various projects All the courses
will have examples from industry, study
games, quiz, on the job training Our aim is
synergy between academics Industry
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
11Our Courses
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Useful for Degree,
Diploma students Course Contents - Six Sigma
methodology, Seven Quality Tools, Graphical
Analysis, SPC, Introduction to Lean
Manufacturing, Management Tools, Process
Capability , Study Games, Quiz Duration -
1½ days Fee Rs. 3000/- Distance Learning also
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
12Our Courses
Six Sigma Green Belt Useful for people with
3-4 years of experience Course Contents DMAIC
Approach, SPC, Lean Manufacturing, Management
Tools, Process Capability Duration 8
weekends Fee Rs. 10,000/- Distance Learning
also available for some modules
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
13Our Courses
Lean Manufacturing Course Contents Lean
Methodology, TPM, Line Balancing, JIT, Kanban,
OEE, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen, 5S,
Poka-Yoke, Study Games, Quiz Duration - 2 days
Fee Rs. 4000/- Distance
Learning also available
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
14Our Courses
TQM Course Contents - Concept of Quality
Management, Quality Planning, ISO, Cost of Poor
Quality, Business Excellence, Seven QC Tools,
Management Tools, Study Games, Quiz Duration - 2
days, useful for all Fee Rs. 4000/-
Distance Learning also available
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune
15Institute of Fundamentals in Quality (IFQ)
Thank You!
Institute of Fundamentals in Quality, Pune