Title: I-Beam Cantilever Racks
1I-Beam Cantilever Racks
2Nowadays many companies have a problem of
outdated and low efficient equipment. Warehouse
Rack offers revolutionary new and high efficient
I-Beam Cantilever Racks!
3Designed to store more
I-Beam Cantilever Racks are ideal to store medium
weight or long items that have to be stored
horizontally. Items can be stacked above each
other that allows access to goods at all levels.
4Simple construction
- Arms are installed on the uprights on equal
distance of 50 mm and are connected to them with
steel bolts.
5Ease of use
- I-Beam Cantilever Racks by Warehouse Rack provide
equally convenient access to the goods from both
6- Depending on the size and weight of the products
and available workspace of the warehouses, there
are a lot of options and styles available to meet
all Your storage needs.
7Choose Warehouse Rack!
- Large amount of Cantilever racks in Stock
- Low prices
- Most sizes and styles are available
- Cantilever Racks will optimize Your warehouse
space - Qualified staff assisting You
- Quote and layout are drawn in 30 seconds.
8Warehouse Rack guarantees the best quality of
warehouse equipment for the lowest prices. Visit
us and You will never regret!
9For Any Query Contact Us in Different Locations
Dallas/Fort Worth Phone 817-498-7500Fax
817-498-75206416 Smithfield RoadNorth Richland
Hills,Texas 76182Emailinfo_at_warehouserack.com
San Antonio Phone 210-637-9100Fax
210-224-71193550 North I-35San Antonio,Texas
78219Email info_at_warehouserack.com
San Antonio Phone 210-637-9100Fax
210-224-71193550 North I-35San Antonio,Texas
78219Email info_at_warehouserack.com
10Costa Rica Tel. (506) 2256-8818USA Fax (888)
598-1136USA (281) 977-5310Parque Empresarial
IRGA,Bodega 23 200 Norte y 100Oeste de Torre
MercedesSan Jose, Costa Rica Emailventas.costar
El Salvador Tel (503) 2522-4100Fax (503)
2522-4116USA (281) 977-5317Km 12 1/2, Carr. al
Pto.de La Libertad, ZonaFranca Santa TeclaLa
Libertad, El Salvador.Edificio 1, local
Guatemala PBX Fax (502) 2259-769942 Calle
23-00 zona-12Bodega 1, 2do nivelCiudad de
Guatemala Emailventas.guatemala_at_warehouserack.co
11Thank You