Title: Security of Android Phones: is there a problem
1Security of Android Phones is there a
problem? Having a phone is a prime necessity
today. There is no one who doesnt have a Phone.
It has become as essential as water in our
lives. Smart phones have become so common
that it is now a rarity to see someone
using a simple phone. The prime reason is that it
is multifunctional and that is what makes it
extremely popular these days. You can record
vides, email, install application and software,
chat with friends, cater you clients, take
pictures, edit pictures, download movies and
music and much more. There is nothing that you
cant do on your smart phone. No matter which
operating system your mobile is built with, it
has tendency of being attacked by virus and
malware because there is a huge variety of
applications that are there in the market.
Security becomes even more important issue.
If you have an android phone, you must be
thinking what is that I can do to secure my cell?
Here are some of the things you can do
Personal identifications should be simple but
tricky When selecting a PIN code, remember to
keep it simple and easy but dont keep codes such
as 12345 which anyone will be able to decode.
Always keep one which is easy for you to
remember. For example, you can keep your parents
date of birth as a password. The trick is to keep
a code that you will be able to remember always
but the general public is not aware of it. this
will not lock you from your own phone and also
make it really secure because many people tend to
forget their PIN codes. The tracking system
2Most of the smart phones have a built in tracking
system. Make use of it but you will have to set
and configure it. In case you have an android
phone which has a tracking system, dont forget
to configure it and get the best out of it. this
could be really useful to you just in case you
happen to lose your phone. Normally we dont pay
much attention to such useful feature but they
are of advantage to us only. Keep your phone
updated If you are someone brushes off the
updates whenever they pop up because you think
its a waste of time, then you should definitely
update your phone because that is the first thing
you should do when thinking of securing your cell
phone. An updated operating system can fight with
malware and viruses easily. The latest version of
OS seems to show lesser problems and bugs and
makes your phone secure without much fuss. Use
safe sources to download from At times, when we
are in a rush we dont pay much attention to the
source of our downloads where all the problems
originate from. There are many doubtful
sources and links that become a passage
for viruses and malware to enter our phone.
Therefore, it is always more safe to download
from reliable sources.