Title: Albert Cyprys - Active New York Community Member
1Albert Cyprys - Active New York Community Member
Albert Cyprys is an active member of the New York
community. He is a highly dedicated and self
motivated young man with a bright future ahead.
He is currently a student at the prestigious
Fairfield University where he studies accounting.
Albert Cyprys is involved in a number of
philanthropic endeavors through out the community
of New York including volunteer work at soup
kitchens, senior centers, and youth soccer.
2Albert Cyprys Expert Soccer Enthusiast
Albert Cyprys is a highly dedicated and self
motivated individual currently living in New York
City. He thoroughly enjoys riding his skateboard
within the five boroughs of New York and
considers it to be the best mode of
transportation. Albert Cyprys is also an avid
soccer player who loves the simplicity and team
togetherness of the sport. He started playing the
sport of soccer due to the fact that it is a
world sport that requires only a ball.
3Albert Cyprys Avid Skateboarder and Enthusiast
Albert Cyprys is currently a student at the
prestigious Fairfield University located in
Fairfield, Connecticut. He is studying accounting
and is on track to graduate in a year or so and
is anxious to get started in his career. Albert
Cyprys, when not at school pursuing his
education, enjoys riding his skate board through
out the five boroughs of New York City. He has
become well acquainted with the city and
considers his skate board to be his favorite mode
of transportation.
4Albert Cyprys Accounting Major and Soccer Player
Albert Cyprys is currently pursuing his education
in Fairfield, Connecticut at the prestigious
private institution called, Fairfield University.
He is currently studying Accounting and is
anxious to begin his career in the competitive
work force. Albert Cyprys is also an avid soccer
player with a career that consists of numerous
achievements in both high school and college. He
is a member of his schools intramural soccer
program, and his team was named champion.
5Thank YOU