Title: Laser Skin Treatment (1)
1Get rid of unwanted hair by laser treatment
2Laser Hair Removal
- Laser hair removal is the best therapy to get
rid of unwanted hair.
3Laser hair removal treatment is mainly considered
to carefully remove unwanted hair from your body.
4Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
- Laser hair removal therapy is approved for
permanent hair reduction - Pain less treatment
- Large area can be treated quickly and effectively
- Safe in the sensitive area
5How Does Laser Hair Removal Works?
The laser hair removal therapy release close to
infrared laser light that is absorbed by the
stain placed in hair follicle.
6How it Feels?
When the laser hair removal machine delivers the
treatment to the skin then it feels like a
massage and makes your skin cool and calm.
7Tips After Hair Removal Treatment
- Avoid makeup
- Dont wax within 24 hrs
- Avoid sunlight
- Avoid hot while bathing
- Use moisturizer lotion
8- The Aesthetic Laser Centre
- Erase Rejuvenate
- Address Suite 3/47 Salamanca Place, Hobart,
Tasmania, 7000,Australia - Call on (03) 6223 8888
Website http//aesthetic-centre.com.au/