Title: Accede Holdings and their Business Software Solutions
1Accede Holdings pty. Ltd.
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3Brings you
4Business solutions
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6personalized just for you!
7Are you ready?
8Here we go!
9Point of sale software systems
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11We design and develop simple, classic and fully
functional point of sale system.
12That will satisfy your growing business demand.
13Barcode Printing Systems
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15We develop simple and automated barcode printing
system that matches your business needs.
16We can also link your existing database to Sage,
MYOB, and other common database softwares.
17Stock control software systems
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19We develop stock control software solutions that
is easy-to-operate.
20It is 100 foolproof in managing your stock data.
21Rental software systems
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23manage your rental equipments and assets with
ease and efficiency.
24Track your asset history whenever, wherever.
25Auction software systems
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27We Want to help your organization by creating
auction systems.
28That is reliable, secured, and easy to use.
29Building industry software systems
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31Our system can do your accounting, invoicing,
bookkeeping and other business functions.
32Necessary for your building and construction
33Membership software systems
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35Our system organizes and tracks your members
data efficiently.
36We offer 24/7 support system and real-time data
37But that doesnt stop there
38We have a lot in store for you!
40Contact us now!
41Visit http//accede.com.au/
Call us (08) 8363 5699
Email enquiries_at_accede.com.au
42Follow us on Twitter _at_Accede_Holdings
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