Title: India with Pakistan: Love humanity, hate terrorism
1Those our Children too - IndiawithPakistan
Our Prayers and thoughts are with those
families who have lost their loved ones in the
Peshawar attacks. IndiawithPakistan
2Black day for Pakistan - IndiawithPakistan
Pakistan woke up to a day of mourning on
Wednesday, Dec 17, 2014, after Taliban militants
killed 132 students at a school in the city of
Peshawar in a gruesome attack which shocked the
world. Thousands of Indians shared their grief
via twitter and the IndiaWithPakistan hashtag.
3Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
everywhere. - IndiawithPakistan
4"Violence never brings permanent peace" -
Thousands of Indians are sending a message of
support to Pakistan in Twitter in the wake of the
Taliban school massacre in Peshawar.
5Pray for Pakistan - IndiawithPakistan
Students in India hold 2 minutes of silence to
remember honor the lives lost in Peshawar.
6Children in India, Pakistan prayed for Peshawar
7Indian Parliament LokSabha Stood in Silence as a
Tribute to Students and Teachers
Indian Parliament LokSabha stand for 2 mins of
silence to honor the lives lost in Peshawar.
8Share Your Thoughts
Share the pain of our Pakistani brothers and
sisters. Show your love and sympathy.
Join the group here at MyComms https//www.mycomun