Title: Machined Metal Components Parts , Turnkey Assembly : Emergingtechnology.biz
1Emerging Technology offers Low Cost Manufacturing
of CNC Machining, Printed Circuit Boards (PCB),
Electronic Assembly. A wide variety of products
are manufactured using injection molding, which
vary greatly in their size, complexity, and
2Emerging Technology has been specializing in
producing Plastic Injection Molds, Stamping Dies
and Metal Parts with superior quality. With over
20 years of experiences in specializing in
Injection Molds, we offer Injection Parts and
Plastic Injection service with superior quality.
3If you are searching for high quality Injection
Molds and Plastic Molding Service Supplier,
please do not hesitate to contact us Emerging
Technology Emerging Technology 12320 Barker
Cypress Rd., Ste. 600-186, Cypress, Texas
77429 Phone 281-435-2572 Fax 281-246-4702 Email