Title: Scott Bata
1Scott Bata - Expert in Operational Logistics
Scott Bata has had a long and accomplished career
in the United States Army, and is known for his
expertise in the field of successful military
operational logistics. Throughout his military
career, Bata quickly made a name for himself as
an expert in military operational logistics,
having consistently proven his ability to oversee
multi-functional logistics, deployment, military
budgeting, maintenance, inspection programs and
various other area.
2Scott Bata - US Army Battalion Operations
From May 2013 to November of 2013, Scott Bata
proudly served as a US Army Battalion Operations
Officer in the 5th Special Forces Group Support
Battalion, which was located in Ft. Campbell,
Kentucky. While serving as the Battalion
Operations Officer, he was responsible for
supervising and leading a group of 10 personnel.
This group was in charge of the planning of
current and future operations and to support a
larger battalion, which consisted of more than
500 personnel.
3Scott Bata - Captain in the US Army
Scott Bata is presently retired from serving the
last six years in the United States Army. He is
now in the process of transitioning to civilian
life. Over the past years as a US Army Captain,
he has built an extensive set of skills and has a
proven leadership ability. He was also
responsible for managing a multi-million dollar
military budget that spanned across numerous
accounts. Scott Bata is now looking to use his
highly versatile skills and knowledge to build
and excel within the private business sector.
4Scott Bata - Golfing Professional
Scott Bata is an avid golf player who always
loves to visit new courses and play a round or
two of golf. Between 2003 and 2005, his affinity
for the game led him to become both a volunteer
instructor, as well as a customer service
professional and Assistant Manager of the
Danvilles Chamberlyne Country Club Golf Shop. He
still tries to keep active in the game of golf by
playing with friends on the weekends.