Title: Carnelle Rutledge Knows How To Make Customers Commit
1Carnelle Rutledge Knows How To Make Customers
2Carnelle Rutledge is a sales professional working
in one of the most trusted automobile companies
in Fort Wayne, IN Grote Automotive. Prior to
his employment here, he worked as a Finance
Assistant/Customer Service in Glenbrook Dodge Inc.
3He started his sales career with Global Sports
Inc., where he got the chance to serve four
different roles. He joined the company as a
Client Service Representative but was soon
promoted to the position of Senior Client
Service Representative and then to Director of
Client Services. In 2009, he was promoted to VP
of Client Services after he brought over 25
million in contracts in 2007 and 2008 and 50
million endorsements.
4In his present company as well as the companies
that he has worked for in the past, Carnelle
Rutledge has always garnered appreciation for his
excellent sales skills. His ability to getting
customers commit is a result of his passion for
selling. Being a good communicator is also one of
his traits that enable him to ensure high sales.
5Carnelle, being a dedicated professional, leaves
no stone unturned when it comes to convincing
potential customers about the quality of his
products. To ensure a positive response from
their end, he first tries to figure out what is
important to them and then accordingly shares the
features of his products.
6Having been in the industry for more than fifteen
years, he knows how to tackle even the fussiest
clients. He enjoys competitiveness constantly
look for ways to improve himself. He is highly
optimistic and focuses on what can be done as
opposed to what can't be accomplished. It is due
to all these traits that Carnelle Rutledge has
excelled at every step of his career as a sales
7Thank You Carnelle Rutledge