Title: Keeping dimond rings clean
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2Keep the Diamonds Clean
The reason that diamond rings have that sparkly
nature is that the inner surfaces of the stones
refract light. Overtime your diamond engagement
rings can lose their shine because of the dirt,
lotion, oil, etc that has accumulated on the
diamond. Most women wear their engagement rings
all the time exposing them to various things as
they do their daily activities. This is why it is
important to clean your diamond rings
periodically. It will bring back that sparkly
nature and make them look new again.
3How To Clean The Diamond Rings
When cleaning your diamond rings it is important
to remember that they need to be handled
carefully. Diamonds are expensive stones so keep
them away from harsh chemicals and avoid contact
with any substances that are coarse.
4How To Clean The Diamond Rings
Custom diamond rings or antique diamond rings
should be cleaned by a jeweler because they have
the modern techniques to clean them so they are
not damaged. Ask a jeweler to clean your rings if
there are precious stones surrounding the
diamond. When buying your wedding rings ask for a
cleaning kit and instructions as to how to clean
simple diamond rings at home. Make sure that you
do not use a coarse brush, harsh chemicals, or
bars of soap for cleaning.
5How To Clean The Diamond Rings
Here are the proper ways to clean your diamond
rings at home. ? On a flat surface spread out a
towel. Make sure that the location gives you
plenty of light. You should not clean your rings
around or in the sink unless you have the drain
properly closed. ? Pour a cup of water that is
lukewarm into a bowl. Mix in one-fourth cup of
ammonia and put your diamond ring in, leaving it
in for at least three minutes but no more than
five minutes. If you do not have any ammonia you
can use a small amount of dishwashing liquid
following the same instructions. ? Take the ring
out of the solution and rinse it with lukewarm
water, using a soft toothbrush to get the dirt
off the ring.? Using a lint-free cloth dry the
ring and diamond after it has been completely
rinsed with lukewarm water. ? Using the same
lint-free cloth polish the stone until it
sparkles. There are also commercial cleaning
solutions that are meant just for cleaning
diamonds you can use. Just follow their
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