Title: “The Rapidly Progressing Mobile Apps World”
1The Rapidly Progressing Mobile Apps World
Smart mobile devices are taking center stage in
consumers lives, and in the process, they are
beginning to supplant PCs and feature phones.
Apps are becoming more Complex, Handling
Computing needs traditionally Reserverd for PCs.
The Number of Mobile Devices is Forecasted to
Surpass the World Population by the end of this
The rapid growth of mobile computing has led to
surging growth for the applications market in
the past few years, apps are at the core of
the mobile experience.
Behind these trends are developers who are
fastidiously working to create highly innovative
and even more complex apps to meet consumer
3The App Boom
By the end of 2012, Mobile Devices will outnumber
traditional Computers 2 to 1.
Right now, Mobile users spend 81.5 of the time
consuming media using Apps, versus 18.5 using
an Internet browser.
There are over 1.1 million apps available across
the Apple, Abdroid, Blackbary and Windows
4Different Apps
GAMING PC and console gamers are increasingly
playing games on Mobile Device.
PHOTOS VIDEOS Photo and Video Apps are the
fastest growing app categry across all Platforms.
BUSINESS Tens of millions of workers will access
business and data Applications by 2017.
5Innovative Apps
Debug and Profile both the hardware and Operating
Increase graphics for high resolution displays
like gaming and 3D.
Debug and modify source code.
One of the best tools for this is a Community
Development Board.
6weSRCH Is OnlinePaper/PresentationPlatform